The impact of FSH and LH during pregnancy

The impact of FSH and LH during pregnancy. LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) play a crucial role in pregnancy.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 02/07/2024

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Related research on the impact of FSH and LH during pregnancy

The impact of FSH and LH during pregnancy, general information on the impact of FSH and LH during pregnancy, pregnancy hormones: progesterone, how to interpret these values, pregnancy hormones: chorionic gonadotropic hormone (hCG), The important hormones involved in pregnancy, FSH AND LH.

During pregnancy, the fetus undergoes intense hormonal activity. The main hormones involved in the reproductive process and their role in fetal growth are discussed. Examples of optimal pregnancy hormone levels are provided. However, these explanations cannot replace medical advice.

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Both LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) play a crucial role in pregnancy. Here is how they work:

  • LH (luteinizing hormone):

LH regulates estrogen levels in the body.

It stimulates the development and release of eggs.

Early in pregnancy, LH levels gradually increase, contributing to the cessation of periods and the growth of the placenta1.

  • FSH (follicle stimulating hormone):

FSH works in tandem with LH to stimulate egg production.

Its dosage occurs on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th day of the cycle.

A pronounced elevation of FSH and LH may indicate ovarian failure2.

These two hormones are essential for conception and the successful progress of pregnancy.


Important hormones involved in pregnancy

The main pregnancy hormones are:

  • FSH and LH stimulate egg production, with doses changing throughout the cycle. An increase in these hormones may indicate ovarian failure.
  • hCG, secreted after follicular fertilization, is mainly found during the first pregnancy test. Estrogen regulates hormone production and synthesis, while progesterone affects uterine mucus and natural contractions.
  • HLP, produced by the placenta, prepares the uterus for breastfeeding.
  • Oxytocin and prolactin stimulate mammalian glands throughout pregnancy, with a significant increase in prolactin during adolescence.

Although all pregnancy hormones are essential to the successful creation process, a few are more important than others.These include hCG and progesterone.

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Pregnancy hormones: chorionic gonadotropic hormone (hCG)

HCG (beta-hCG hormone or chorionic gonadotropic hormone) is secreted as soon as the embryo settles in the uterus. It is detectable in blood and urine from the 9th day of pregnancy. At implantation, the hCG level exceeds 8 IU. It then doubles every 48 to 72 hours until the second or third month of pregnancy (between 7 and 12 weeks). Its curve then reverses and the hCG level gradually decreases until delivery. It is therefore this hormone which serves as a reference for pregnancy tests (laboratory blood test or domestic urine test). To obtain a reliable beta-hCG dosage, you will have to wait 10 to 14 days following implantation (period necessary to reach a sufficient concentration of hCG).This wait time is called the beta wait.

On this subject, we say that the beta is positive if the bhCG dosage indicates values ​​greater than 5 IU/l. During a so-called normal pregnancy, hCG values ​​vary as follows:

  • 2nd week = 10 to 1000 IU/l;
  • 3rd week = 160 to 1400 IU/l;
  • 4th week = 1,700 to 35,000 IU/l;
  • 5th week = 2,700 to 68,000 IU/l;
  • 6th week = 7,400 to 240,000 IU/l;
  • 7th week = 9,100 to 268,000 IU/l;
  • 8th week = 15,900 to 297,000 IU/l;
  • 9th week = 12,300 to 217,000 IU/l;
  • 10th week = 11,100 to 227,000 IU/l;
  • Between 10th and 13th week = 7,150 to 169,000 IU/l;
  • Between 14th and 18th week = 7,000 to 83,500 IU/l;
  • Beyond the 20th week = 250 to 72,500 IU/l.

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How to interpret these values

  • On this beta-hCG table, the low values ​​and the high values ​​(indicated according to the week of pregnancy) are expressed in international units per liter of blood: IU/l.

An abnormally low level for the age of pregnancy may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy (EUG).

An abnormally high level for the age of pregnancy may reveal a hydatidiform mole.

Persistent high levels during pregnancy may indicate a risk of Down syndrome.

When one or other of these anomalies is suspected, specialists prescribe a series of additional tests: hormonal measurements, ultrasound, amniocentesis, non-invasive prenatal tests, etc.

To accurately interpret the results of the beta dosage (which can vary greatly from one pregnancy to another), it is advisable to seek advice from your doctor.

Pregnancy hormones: progesterone

As part of PMA treatment, progesterone dosage is useful to highlight the ovulatory peak. In addition, it makes it possible to monitor the progress of embryo implantation. During the first trimester, it can provide valuable information if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected.

During pregnancy, progesterone levels follow this curve:

  • Between 5th and 13th week = 15 to 50 mg/ml;
  • Between 14th and 19th weeks = 30 to 80 mg/ml;
  • Between 20th and 25th weeks = 40 to 110 mg/ml;
  • Between 26th and 31st weeks = 50 to 150 mg/ml;
  • Between weeks 32 and 40 = 73 to 200 mg/ml.