Herbal tea and natural recipe against hemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids, also called haemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the anus and rectum. Common symptoms can include rectal pain, itching, and bleeding. They can grow inside or outside the anus and rectum, called internal and external haemorrhoids, respectively. Haemorrhoids are an extremely common problem.  Please join us.

Are you considering home and herbal remedies for your haemorrhoids? Look no further, here's what you need to know. You can also call us at 2296008176+5 for more information.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 29/07/2022

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Types of haemorrhoids

There are two types of haemorrhoids:

Internal haemorrhoids: they are present deep in the rectum. They are usually not seen externally or felt and are painless.
External haemorrhoids: These are present under the skin surrounding the anus. They are painful due to sore and sensitive nerves surrounding the anus.
Haemorrhoids can go away on their own or with home remedies within weeks. If the haemorrhoids do not improve or the symptoms worsen, it is advisable to see a doctor for medical treatment.

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Herbal Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Herbal tea 048, 049 051 is a set of concoction, cream and natural ovum which helps to get rid of haemorrhoids in a short time. It is made from medicinal plants and leaves. It has proven effective and has no side effects. For more information on our natural remedies, please click on the link below:



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Natural remedies for haemorrhoids

1. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel can reduce both itching and pain, two main symptoms of haemorrhoids. It is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it might also reduce swelling. What hazelnut can be purchased in liquid form and applied directly to haemorrhoids? It can also be found in products like anti-itch wipes and soaps.


2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel has been used historically to treat haemorrhoids and various skin conditions. It is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, which could help reduce irritation. The gel can be found as an ingredient in other products, but you should only use pure aloe vera gel on haemorrhoids. Pure aloe vera gel can also be harvested directly from inside the leaves of an aloe plant. Some people are allergic to aloe vera, especially those who are allergic to garlic or onions. Check for allergic reactions by rubbing a small amount of dime on your forearm. Wait 24 to 48 hours. If no reaction occurs, it should be safe to use.

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3. Hot Epsom Salt Bath

Warm baths can help soothe the irritation caused by haemorrhoids. You can use a sitz bath, which is a small plastic tub that fits over a toilet seat or take a full bath in your tub.

4-Tea tree oil

Some people say that the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil can reduce swelling and itching caused by haemorrhoids.


5-Epsom salt and glycerin

This lesser-known home treatment can help painful haemorrhoids uses these simple ingredients to make a compound that you apply directly to the inflamed area:

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

2. Apply the mixture to a gauze pad and place it on the painful area.

3. Leave this application in the area for 15-20 minutes:

4. Repeat every four to six hours until the pain subsides.

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A diet high in insoluble fibre can help relieve constipation and prevent haemorrhoids from coming back. By gently softening the stool, haemorrhoids will be better able to heal with less pain and bleeding.

You should aim to consume between 25 and 35 grams of fibre per day. Excellent sources include:

Fibre supplements containing psyllium, methylcellulose, inulin, calcium polycarbophil, or wheat dextrin may also help.

In case of bleeding and serious complication, please consult your doctor for further advice

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 29/07/2022

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