Natural Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Natural Treatment for Blocked Tubes. We have a very effective herbal tea to unblock the tubes naturally.

The fallopian tubes are essential conduits in the female genital tract. Blocked tubes can be a source of infertility when both tubes are blocked.

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Research Associated with Natural Treatment of Blocked Tubes

  • Natural Treatment for Blocked Tubes, Causes of blocked tubes, symptoms of blocked tubes, how to diagnose blocked tubes, Can you easily get pregnant with blocked tubes?

Definition, Cause and Natural Treatment for Blocked Tubes

Definition of Blocked Tubes

The fallopian tubes, also known as the uterine tubes, are essential conduits in the female vaginal wall. They facilitate the movement of the egg released by the ovary towards the uterus, where fertilization can occur. The main reasons for blocked fallopian tubes are:

Genital infections: Infection of the tube, called salpingitis, is frequently associated with sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Sometimes an infected IUD also causes a blockage.

Endometriosis: Pieces of uterine lining can block the tubes, preventing sperm from progressing to the egg.

Adhesions: Post-surgical infections, such as appendicitis complicated by peritonitis, can affect the tubes.



Tubal obstruction is frequently observed during a fertility assessment, without any apparent symptoms. However, it is possible to experience pelvic pain during acute infections. Obstruction of the tubes prevents sperm from accessing the egg, which can cause fertilization difficulties and, in some cases, extra-pregnancy. uterine. If you have any concerns, seek professional help from a health care professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.


Some natural approaches to help women unblock the tubes.

  • Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol: These behaviors are harmful to the health of the tubes. Be sure to remove them completely to promote healing.
  • The practice of meditation and yoga helps reduce stress, while yoga promotes body energy. Explore special positions such as “setubandhasana” and “viparita karani”.
  • Incorporate foods containing antioxidants such as turmeric and garlic into your diet.
  • Use castor oil as a poultice and consume herbal teas to improve blood circulation in the pelvic region.

How to Get Pregnant With Blocked Tubes

  • Step 1: The Importance of the Fallopian Tubes

The fallopian tubes are crucial for natural conception without assisted fertilization. They collect the egg from adjacent ovaries and must be freely mobile. Once collected, the tube protects the egg until it is fertilized by sperm and nourishes the embryo. To function as an incubator, the tubes must be opened. If the tubes are damaged or blocked, the egg and sperm cannot interact, causing an abortion.


  • Step 2: Understand the causes of blocked tubes

The fallopian tubes are delicate structures that can easily become blocked or damaged, leading to infertility. Blockages can be caused by infections, previous surgeries or pelvic inflammatory disease. The use of intrauterine contraceptive devices and sexually transmitted diseases can also damage the tubes.

  • Step 3: Contact a fertility clinic

Given the crucial importance of your fallopian tubes during pregnancy, and their delicate and easily damaged nature, it is clear that getting pregnant with damaged or blocked fallopian tubes will require help from specialists.


  • Step 4: Attend your initial consultation

During the initial consultation, you will meet with one of our four IVF specialists to discuss your options and begin planning your journey to parenthood.

During the initial 30-60 minute consultation, our highly trained and experienced fertility specialist:

* do a thorough review of your medical history

* perform a complete infertility physical exam and blood tests

* provide detailed explanations and answers to all your questions

* detail treatment options

* Develop a personalized fertility treatment plan with you.

  • Step 5: How to determine if your tubes are blocked?

A fertility specialist uses hysterosalpingography to determine if the fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged. This test involves injecting dye into the uterine cavity followed by an x-ray to detect any damage or blockages. Damage can lead to complete blockage, reduce the flexibility of the tube, or cause an ectopic pregnancy. Treatment will depend on the position and severity of the damage.

  • Step 6: Choose your treatment

If it is determined that your fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged, there are two treatment options that will allow you to become pregnant: tube surgery and IVF treatment.


Tubal surgery

The Medfem Fertility Clinic offers minimally invasive surgeries to repair the fallopian tubes. The clinic's specialists are subject matter experts and use laparoscopy to evaluate and treat gynecological problems such as scar tissue, adhesions and endometriosis. The procedure requires general anesthesia and patients can go home the same day. After surgery, patients may experience bloating, abdominal pain, and back and shoulder pain, but most can return to normal activities within a few days to a week. If surgery is not possible, in vitro fertilization is another option.

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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment

IVF is an assisted reproductive technology treatment developed for women with damaged or missing fallopian tubes. More than 5 million babies have been born using this treatment since 1983. The process involves fertilizing the egg and sperm outside the body to form an embryo, which is then transferred to the uterus for implantation. The treatment takes place in five stages, including hormonal treatment, egg retrieval, in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer and finally implantation. The entire process usually takes just under three weeks.

  • Step 7: Complete your treatment

Whether it's surgery or IVF treatment for you, our goal  is to provide you with cutting-edge fertility treatment, in a caring and comfortable setting, with the sole aim of helping you build a healthy family. Our AFRIQUE SANTE BIO fertility clinic does everything possible to guarantee your pregnancy success, from the receptionist to the administrative and financial team, from the nursing staff to the fertility specialists and embryologists.


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