483: Insomnia, depression, sleep disorder, natural product

Insomnia, depression, sleep disorder. Lack of sleep can cause many illnesses. Please discover the recipe or herbal tea 55.

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

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Reference: t-483

In stock: 5666

20,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

sleep disorder insomnia depression natural product.Insomnia

Insomnia, depression, sleep disorder. Lack of sleep can cause many illnesses. Please discover the recipe for herbal tea 55.

483: Insomnia, depression, sleep disorder, natural product

Natural Remedy Insomnia, depression, sleep disorder. Herbal Tea No. 055 naturally regulates sleep in depressed people, insomniacs, and hypertensives. It is a natural remedy to fight, insomnia, a depressive state, and a sleep disorder. It is a restorative, psychotropic herbal sleeping pill from Africa. The remedy brings many valuable elements to the brain and also fights schizophrenia.

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

Discuss  here with your lady feranmi

Learn more at http://www.afriquebio.com


Presentation of the Natural Remedy Insomnia, depressive state, sleep disorder.

-powder in sachet or 50g jar

Composition:-Plant extracts (rauvolfia vomitoria, nauclea latifolia, piper guinense, etc)

- natural tramadol, natural reserpine, etc.

Properties: Relaxing, calming, a natural tranquilizer, immunoreconstituant, etc.

Unit price: 30 €

NB: Allow at least 3 months of care.

Therapeutic effects of the Natural Remedy Insomnia, depression, sleep disorder.

Natural Remedy Insomnia, depression, sleep disorder. The herbal tea soothes the mind and facilitates a restful sleep without drowsiness on waking. Good for the disturbed and those who sleep poorly. It is an excellent tranquilizer that everyone can use occasionally to recover.

Super good for depressed, hypertensive, people


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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

Discuss  here with your lady feranmi

Learn more at http://www.afriquebio.com



Insomnia, depression, nightmares, sleep disorder,

Manual :

Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water, let cool, and strain. Keep cool. Drink half a glass, in the evening at bedtime

Get in touch with a specialist on: 



Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

Discuss  here with your lady feranmi

Learn more at http://www.afriquebio.com

