Herbal Tea 514: Natural Treatment Against Prostate Hypertrophy

Natural Treatment Against Prostate Hypertrophy. No more panic to effectively treat prostate adenoma. Discover here an excellent herbal tea To overcome this disease.

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Natural Treatment Against Prostate Hypertrophy How to treat enlarged prostate? At what age can you contract testicular hypertrophy? Can prostate adenoma be completely cured?

Natural Treatment Against Prostate Hypertrophy

Research Related to Natural Treatment for Prostate Hypertrophy

Natural Treatment Against Prostate Hypertrophy, How to treat enlarged prostate?, At what age can you contract testicular hypertrophy? Can prostate adenoma be completely cured?

Definition of Prostate Enlargement

Prostate hypertrophy, otherwise called Benign Prostatic Adenoma (or Hyperplasia) (BPH), is a benign tumor. It results in an increase in the volume of this endocrine gland which presses on the bladder. This results in urinary problems.


Symptoms of BPH

When the prostate enlarges, we often notice the following symptoms:

  • Urine output is slow to start
  • In addition, the urine flow is weak
  • Urination is jerky
  • Pain when urinating
  • Loss or flow of urine after emptying the bladder
  • Feeling like you haven't completely emptied your bladder
  • The false urge to urinate becomes more frequent and annoying (especially at night)
  • Pain and burning sensations

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How Natural Treatment Against Prostate Hypertrophy Works

Herbal tea 514: Natural Treatment Against Prostate Hypertrophy successfully treats benign tumors of the prostate and restores all sexual vigor to men, aged or not. In a short time, the prostate volume returned to its normal level. To make the patient a normal man, erection and urination become normal. The product protects the prostate throughout life. These eggs should be used by all men over 50 to protect their prostate for life. As a preventative measure, this provides excellent protection for the prostate. As a curative treatment, it is a radical method that remedies the problem.



-Ointment in 20 g jar


-Plant extracts

Properties: Anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibiotic, anti-tumor calming, reducing, immunoreconstituting, antioxidant,

Active subtances

--Absorbing and reducing elements

Indications: Inflammation of the prostate, prostatitis, non-carcinogenic tumor of the prostate, urinary retention, urination disorder, sexual weakness of the elderly, impotence, protection of the prostate.

Price: €50


Therapeutic effects of Herbal Tea 514: Natural Treatment Against Prostate Hypertrophy.

Herbal Tea 514 reduces the tumor slowly and surely, allows the relaxation of different muscles of the urinary tract, which facilitates urination. For the same reason, the ovum is composed of plants and clay. All the plants that compose it have demonstrated it in this area. The man quickly resumes his sexual functions and becomes virile again. To protect his prostate for life, every man over 50 must use a natural product.


Beneficial Effects of Natural Treatment Against Prostate Hypertrophy

Natural treatment for prostatic hypertrophy curesprostate adenoma and makes man virile. As a preventative measure, this provides excellent protection for the prostate. For benign prostate diseases such as prostate hypertrophy, prostatitis and prostate adenoma, the treatment is a good herbal tea. It will protect the prostate in all men aged 50 and over.



Inflammation of the prostate, prostatitis, non-carcinogenic tumor of the prostate, urinary retention, urination disorder, sexual weakness of the elderly, impotence,

Instructions for use: Read the instructions

Natural plants to treat enlarged prostate (BPH)

Palm saw

Saw palmetto is a medicinal herbal product that comes from the fruit of a species of palm tree. For centuries, it has been used in alternative medicine to relieve urinary symptoms, including those caused by an enlarged prostate. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), some small-scale studies suggest that saw palmetto can effectively relieve BPH symptoms.

The NIH reports, however, that larger studies did not find saw palmetto to be more effective than a placebo. The anti-inflammatory and hormone-blocking properties of saw palmetto are subject to research. It is also being investigated whether it can be used in conjunction with other medications. Stomach upset and headache are minor side effects of saw palmetto, but it is safe to use.



This herbal medicine is made from a variety of plants that contain sitosterols (plant fats) or phytosterols (cholesterol-like substances). According to several studies, beta-sitosterol may help reduce the urinary symptoms of HBP, including urine flow strength. Some scientists have also proposed that these fatty substances, such as beta-sitosterol, also found in saw palmetto, are what do the work.

Beta-sitosterol did not have any serious side effects. The long-term effects of this natural therapy are still unknown to doctors.

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Ryegrass pollen extract

Three types of grass pollen are used to produce ryegrass pollen extract: rye, timothy and corn. In a herbal study published in BJU International, men who took ryegrass pollen extract reported improvement in nighttime symptoms of getting up to urinate compared to men who took a placebo. This study, however, only lasted six months. It has not conducted research on the effectiveness of the supplement compared to prescription medications.

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Nettle stings

If you have accidentally touched the common European nettle, you will know: The hairs on its leaves can cause a violent and painful jolt. But when used as medicine, stinging nettle may have some benefits.

Nettle root is widely used in Europe because it is believed to improve some symptoms of BPH.

Nettle is sometimes used with other natural BPH treatments, such as pygeum or saw palmetto. Side effects of nettle are usually mild, such as stomach upset and skin rashes.

Foods to Treat BPH

The role of diet in the prevention and treatment of BPH is still being studied.

In China, a recent four-year study examined how diet affects BPH symptoms. Researchers found that men whose diets were high in fruits and vegetables had less BPH, fewer BPH symptoms, and less risk of their BPH getting worse. Researchers believe that it is not just one nutrient, but rather the combinations of beneficial nutrients in a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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