Herbal tea 531:The benefits of hyssop to relieve asthma

The benefits of hyssop to relieve asthma. Discover a plant with a thousand virtues that helps resolve respiratory problems and especially asthma.

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Reference: t-531

In stock: 5990

30,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

The benefits of hyssop to relieve asthma What plants are used to treat asthma? Can hyssop alone cure asthma? How can hyssop be used to treat asthma ? What is the main cause of asthma?

Research related to:The benefits of hyssop to relieve asthma

The benefits of hyssop to relieve asthma, What plants are used to treat asthma?, Can hyssop alone cure asthma?, How can hyssop be used to treat asthma ? , What is the main cause of asthma?


All About Hyssop

Hyssop seduces with its large, fragrant blue spikes and its hint of agastache. However, this is not its only advantage! This medicinal plant helps with digestion, anxiety, ENT disorders and especially asthma.

Look at this plant with a thousand virtues and easily cultivated.

Medicinal properties

Hyssop has tonic, antiseptic, expectorant, digestive, antifungal and anti-asthmatic properties. It is used to treat rhinitis, bronchitis, ear infections or sinusitis, smooth digestion and even reduce fever.

  • Overall, it is used to treat flu conditions and lung conditions.
  • It is also recommended to combat stress, severe fatigue and a little depression.
  • Hyssop is antispasmodic and helps fight asthma and bronchitis. Its essential oil has properties against bruises and scars. When used externally, the plant regulates perspiration.

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Improve digestion

Hyssop is antispasmodic: it helps fight against intestinal or gastric spasms in cases of difficult digestion.

The plant helps to find the appetite.

  • This plant promotes the production of gastric juices, which contributes to better digestion.
  • In addition, this plant allows better evacuation of intestinal gases and regulates the intestinal flora.
  • The plant is used to combat digestive pain (gas, bloating, digestive slowness, stomach ache, etc.)


Herbal tea to treat asthma

Curing asthma naturally is possible with the black powder available to you. Do not be incredulous, it is an effective traditional treatment that treats asthma at the root of the problem. Herbal Tea 531 is a black powder obtained by calcination and activation of special broncho-dilator plants. This Treatment is an ancestral product that treats and ultimately cures chronic asthma naturally. Experiment with this Treatment and you will see your child's asthma attacks disappear like magic.

To have the treatment contact us here

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Technical sheet on the benefits of hyssop to relieve asthma

Presentation of Herbal Tea 531: The benefits of hyssop to relieve asthma

-powder in 50 g sachet


-Extracts of 12 bronchodilator and vasodilator plants.

Price: 30 euros

Active subtances

-Vitamin C, calcium, flavonoids, bi-flavonoids, antioxidant, etc.

Side effects: None
Availability: In stock, delivery in 2 days

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Treatment 321: The benefits of hyssop to relieve asthma is an absorbent, bronchodilator and purifier of the respiratory tract




  • Asthma, bronchitis, asthmatic cough,
  • Respiratory disorders: bronchitis, colds, flu, asthma, dry cough, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.
  • Digestive disorders: lack of appetite, hyposecreting dyspepsia, flatulence, etc.

Instructions for use: Read the instructions 

The use of Hyssopus officinalis

In infusion

A herbal tea is made from the tops of the flowers, whether dry or fresh, to treat ENT disorders and flu-like conditions. Then let 10 grams of hyssop infuse in 1 liter of boiling water. After that, consume this drink several times a day for a week.

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In a relaxing bath

A few drops of essential oil of this beneficial plant in bath water promote relaxation. Enough to calm anxiety and stress and relieve depression.


Place 10g of leaves and flowers in 50cl of water. Bring to the boil and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Then use this solution as a gargle. This will help treat infections of the mucous membranes, pharynx and throat.

Contact us here to learn more about The benefits of hyssop for relieving asthma

In poultice

If you have been shocked and bruised, these are the sheets you will use. After having chopped them, place them on the blue and cover with a compress. Hold with a band and leave like this for 1 hour to 2 hours.

In essential oil

Diffused, inhaled or rubbed, hyssop essential oil helps soothe ENT ailments and emotional disorders.

Precautions and contraindications

Respect the indicated dosages carefully and ask your doctor or pharmacist for information. Hyssop is not recommended for hyperactive people, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Indeed, poorly dosed or used, it can have a convulsive or abortive action.

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