Herbal Tea 532: Natural Treatment Against Salpingites In Togo

Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis In Togo. Discover the 532 herbal tea which cures salpingitis in a short time. It is very effective and has no side effects.

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Reference: t-532

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Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis In Togo What is the main cause of salpingitis How to get pregnant with salpingitis? At what age can you suffer from salpingitis? What is the difference between hydrosalpinx and salpingitis?

Natural Treatment Against Salpingites In Togo

Research Associated with Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis in Togo

Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis In Togo, What is the main cause of salpingitis, How to get pregnant with salpingitis?, At what age can you suffer from salpingitis? What is the difference between hydrosalpinx and salpingitis?


Definition of Salpingitis

Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes caused by infection. Often caused by bacteria which is most often spread during unprotected sex. Genital diseases are very common among women, especially among young women aged 20 to 25. In 50 to 70% of cases, it remains unnoticed and is only discovered after a sterility assessment.

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Causes and risk factors for salpingitis

Salpingitis is generally caused by a germ (Chlamydia trachomatis, gonococcus or mycoplasma) which is transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse. It may then be a sexually transmitted disease. Microbes enter the tubes by passing through the cervix after being contaminated. We are therefore talking about upper genital infection. In addition to this cause, salpingitis can also be caused by:

  • Insertion of an IUD;
  • A uterine curettage;
  • Surgical termination of the uterus;
  • Tuberculosis bacillus;
  • Enterobacteria living in the digestive tract.
  • Voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion);
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Appendicitis


Factors that can contribute to salpingitis include:


  • Age because it particularly affects young women aged between 20 and 25;
  • Multiplicity of sexual partners during the same year;
  • History of STI;
  • Presence of a recent urethral infection in the sexual partner;
  • Endouterine intervention or examination


Herbal Tea, Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis In Togo

Herbal Tea No. 532: Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis In Togo is an excellent herbal tea against rebellious microbes which attack and destroy the fallopian tubes, thus making the woman unable to conceive. Indeed, the fallopian tube becomes irritated, weakens, becomes inflamed, putrefies and ceases to play its role as conductor of eggs. The herbal tea successfully treats gonorrhea, candida albicans, trichomonas, chlamydia, staphylococci, streptococci, staphylococcus aureus infections and allows the fallopian tube to regain its tone. It is not easy, but with patience over the duration of the treatment, there is hope of recovery.

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Technical Sheet of the Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis in Togo


-Powder in sachet or jar of 50g


-Antibiotic, depurative and diuretic plant extracts

Properties: Antibiotics, antiviral, depurative and anti-inflammatory

Price: €30

Indications: Gonorrhea, candida albicans, trichomonas, chlamydia, Staphylococci, streptococci, etc.

Therapeutic effects of the Natural Remedy Salpingitis, Natural Treatment Hydrosalpinx

The natural treatment against hydrosalpinx deeply cleanses the tubes. This is a safe natural herbal tea that eliminates germs caused by salpingitis, dries up pus and repairs the affected tube. The woman will notice dirt coming out of the vagina of her uterus. It is an effective treatment for hydrosalpinx. The herbal tea cleanses all the female genital organs and facilitates conception. The decoction is very effective. This method offers a solution to most chronic diseases. Therefore, the composition of the herbal tea is rich in active ingredients effective against germs such as Gonorrhea, candida albicans, trichomonas and chlamydia. It also contains diuretic and depurative components to facilitate the elimination of microbes and the sanitation of the fallopian tubes.


Duration of Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis in Togo

Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis In Togo is based on antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and depurative plants and lasts eight weeks. The couple or partners must follow the treatment and repeat the control tests after the treatment. There are complicated cases of stubborn infections that require at least three months of care. Rest assured, our treatment works wonderfully. Sexual intercourse is protected throughout treatment to avoid the transfer of germs and eliminate the risk of recurrence.

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Indications for Natural Treatment Against Salpingitis in Togo

Hydrosalpinx, gonorrhea infections, candida albicans, trichomonas, chlamydia, Staphylococci, streptococci, etc.).


Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water, let cool and filter. Keep cool. Drink half a glass, 3 times a day for 14 weeks of treatment. Redo the control exams.

Use of garlic in the treatment of pelvic diseases (Salpingitis)

Garlic is very effective for treating pelvic diseases due to its antibiotic and antibacterial properties. It also helps regulate the vaginal microflora and prevent new infections.

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Method of preparation

Fry 2 to 3 minced garlic cloves in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Leave on fire until the mixture turns brown. Filter and leave to cool.

  • Dip a clean cotton ball in this oil and insert it into the vagina.
  • Remove the cotton ball and  leave the oil in your vagina for a few hours
  • Rinse then

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We are present in many countries: BENIN, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, GABON, TOGO, MALI, Burkina Faso, SENEGAL, GHANA, DRC, CONGO, FRANCE, USA, GREAT BRITAIN, Guinea Conakry, New Guinea, TANZANIA, Africa South, CHAD, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Kuwait, Lebanon. Products are delivered to other countries by DHL or EMS. We also deliver by post with extreme speed and lots of positive feedback. We provide quality service with good after-sales follow-up and we take good care of our patients. For those who don't have great means, we are there for everyone. Support is offered throughout the period of taking herbal teas. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button or the chat button on your screen. Delivery is free worldwide

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