Herbal Tea 542: Treating Typhoid Fever With The Weeping Widow

Treating Typhoid Fever With The Weeping Widow. Discover a plant with a thousand virtues that effectively treats typhoid fever in a short time. It's an excellent herbal tea.

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Reference: t-542

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30,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

Treating Typhoid Fever With The Weeping Widow How to treat typhoid fever? What is the main cause of typhoid fever? What is the difference between malaria and typhoid fever?

Research Related to Typhoid Fever Treatment With The Weeping Widow

Treating Typhoid Fever With The Weeping Widow, How to treat typhoid fever?, What is the main cause of typhoid fever? What is the difference between malaria and typhoid fever?

False Ashoka, the Weeping Widow, has many virtues to fight against typhoid fever. The False Ashoka is most often associated with typhoid fever and several weeping widow virtues and spiritual connotations.

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Meaning of Typhoid Fever

The Salmonella typhi bacteria causes the potentially fatal infection known as typhoid fever. Most of the time, this bacteria is spread through contaminated water or food.

Each year, an estimated 11 to 20 million people contract the disease and 128,000 to 161,000 people die from it.


The Virtues of the Weeping Widow

The weeping widow or False Ashoka is a plant native to Asia in Sri Lanka. It is primarily an ornamental plant. Not only ornamental, it treats several diseases in medicine with plants. This plant, the weeping widow, is also recognized for its effectiveness in treating typhoid fever. . Indeed, when we infuse the leaves of the weeping widow and consume them, we treat Typhoid fever.

  • It is a very good herbal tea against typhoid fever caused by salmonella. But many are still unaware of this weeping widow virtue.
  • In fact, the leaves of the weeping widow contain the active principle which fights against these microorganisms.
  • In 2010, according to a study, compounds isolated from weeping widow analysis showed promising results in combating various microorganisms.
  • With a comparison with standard medications (penicillin, gentamicin and ketoconazole), we see that weeping widow is more effective and less risky to use.


Description of herbal tea 542: Treating typhoid fever with the weeping widow


-Powder in sachet or jar of 50g


-Antiviral, antibiotic, antioxidant, depurative and diuretic plant extracts.


Active subtances

-Antiviral, antibacterial, depurative, antioxidant tannins, etc.

Price: €30

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Therapeutic Effects of Herbal Tea 542: Treating Typhoid Fever With the Weeping Widow

Herbal Tea No. 542: Treating Typhoid Fever With The Weeping Widow  is a gift from God with formidable effectiveness against the Salmonella bacteria of typhoid fever. Thanks to its Herbal Tea No. 542, the composition is rich in active ingredients with proven effectiveness against the typhoid fever bacteria. It contains antioxidant elements, which protect the liver, while the other elements act on the bacteria, which ensures immediate relief and certain healing in a short time.

The depurative and diuretic elements of Herbal Tea No. 542 facilitate the evacuation of neutralized bacteria and toxins. If you are suffering from typhoid fever, act quickly and place the order immediately. You are satisfied or your money back and you have nothing to lose. Whatever the treatment followed, it is always good to use a depurative herbal tea to rid the body of germs and toxins.

Click on MORINGA to discover the plant with a thousand virtues

Indications and Instructions for use

Typhoid fever, liver cirrhosis, etc.


Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water, let cool and filter. Keep   cool. Drink half a glass, 3 times a day. Add the juice of a ripe lemon to the mixture. Three months of treatment, renewable four to eight times. Healing assured.

NB: You need 4 sachets on average for one month of treatment.



Typhoid fever generally manifests itself by:

♦ prolonged fever,

♦ fatigue,

♦ headaches,

♦ nausea,

♦ abdominal pain,

♦ constipation or diarrhea.

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Ingredients for preparing the herbal tea:

♦ The leaves of the weeping widow also called false Ashoka with the scientific name Polyalthia longifolia.

♦ Cassava and bamboo leaves.

♦ Banana peel.

♦The leaves of the lemon tree.

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Preparation of the Weeping Widow virtues herbal tea

Make an infusion or herbal tea of 10 to 15 leaves by adding the other ingredients and drink twice a day for two weeks, put the leaves in water and let boil.

♦ After boiling, let stand for 15 minutes and drink.

♦ Do not filter, leave the leaves and water to marinate in the teapot or saucepan.

♦Repeat the preparation after 2 days.

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