Herbal Tea 571: Natural Treatment, Varicocele Grade 2 In Gabon

Natural Treatment, Varicocele Grade 2 In Gabon. A second wind for all patients who wish to treat varicocele without surgery with herbal tea 571.

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Reference: 571

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  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

Natural Treatment Varicocele Grade 2 In Gabon How to treat varicocele without surgery? Which plant used to treat varicocele? How to prevent varicocele? What diet is recommended for patients suffering from varicocele?

Natural Treatment, Varicocele Grade 2 In Gabon

Research Associated with Natural Treatment, Grade 2 Varicocele in Gabon

Natural Treatment, Varicocele Grade 2 In Gabon, How to treat varicocele without surgery?, Which plant used to treat varicocele? How to prevent varicocele? What diet is recommended for patients suffering from varicocele?

Reflux at the level of the proximal segment of the pampiniform plexus is observed only during the Valsalva maneuver, without any scrotal deformity or testicular hypotrophy. The presence of grade 2 varicocele is invisible.

Definition of varicocele

The dilation of a vein (varix) at the level of the spermatic cord is the manifestation of varicocele. The spermatic veins are called incontinent. They are unable to pump blood efficiently back to the heart due to a problem with their one-way valves. The blood can no longer circulate in the overall blood network and ends up accumulating at the site. Due to this accumulation, the affected veins dilate. In other words, it is a localized inflammation in the testicles. In most situations, it is a mild illness.

Severity: The severity of varicocele is assessed based on the size of the dilated veins. It is generally classified into three grades:

Grade 1: Slightly dilated veins.

Grade 2: Moderately dilated veins.

Grade 3: Severely dilated veins.


The causes of varicocele grade 2

Testicular varicocele is a source of poor venous drainage. In the vast majority of cases, this is due to a valve problem. Their function is to ensure blood circulation in one direction only. In the event of absence or malfunction of these valves, the blood is no longer able to rise and stagnates.

In rare cases, a varicocele can also form when a tumor forms a barrier that the blood cannot pass through, or in the case of a kidney tumor.


The role of herbal tea 571 to treat varicocele grade 2 in Gabon

Herbal Tea 571 is a potion. Indeed, grade 2 varicocele can be treated and cured with medicinal plants. We have provided you with a potion composed of medicinal plants to treat your testicular varicose veins in a very short time. In addition, this potion is a radical solution against varicose veins in the testicles in all its forms. It successfully treats varicose veins in the testicles by strengthening the valves located in the veins of the spermatic cord. You must combine herbal teas 58 and 684 for 3 months of treatment.

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Technical Sheet for Natural Treatment, Varicocele Grade 2 in Gabon

Presentation of the herbal tea: Natural Treatment, Varicocele Grade 2 In Gabon

Bark, powder and root in a one-liter bottle or powder in a 50 g sachet for maceration in a homemade bottle.

Composition of Natural Treatment, Varicocele Grade 2 In Gabon

Plant extracts

Active subtances

Strongly astringent, vasoconstrictor and depurative, tannins, flavonoids, etc.

Unit price of herbal tea 571: €50

Indication for Varicocele Treatment Without Surgery

Varicocele, varicose veins in the testicles, varicocele grade 2, male infertility caused by varicocele, varicocele grade 1, internal hemorrhoids, varicocele grade 0, varicocele grade 3.

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Add mineral water or African mustard water (afitin water, soumbala water, palm wine, coconut juice, etc.). Then leave to macerate for 2 days. Drink a liqueur glass 3 times a day

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The Beneficial Effects of Natural Treatment, Grade 2 Varicocele in Gabon

571 herbal tea successfully treats and cures GRADE 2 varicocele without surgery. It strengthens the valves or valves located in the veins of the spermatic cord. Thanks to these astringent elements they tone the veins, activate circulation in the small vessels and prevent blood from stagnating. Its depurative elements relieve the liver and facilitate the drainage of toxins. A varicocele detected in time and properly treated allows the man to regain all his fertilizing power. Herbal tea almost 100% effective.

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Symptoms and pain of varicocele

Several signs can announce a varicocele. Firstly, blood stagnating in the veins can in fact cause pain in the testicle concerned, particularly during exercise. Then the varicocele causes pain, however slight. Along the same lines, the patient may feel a feeling of tightness or heaviness. A feeling that his purses are being pulled down. This symptom is particularly present at the end of the day or when it is very hot. Finally, a testicle affected by varicocele may also have a tendency to swell.


Natural plants to treat grade 2 varicocele in Gabon

Grape juice

It contains resveratrol, a substance that facilitates blood circulation. Grape juice has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can control hypertension and aging. It can also help manage and avoid prostate complications and digestive problems.


Garlic has antiseptic effects. It strengthens intestinal resistance and bacterial flora. And also affects carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, it dilates blood vessels, helps remove harmful products of metabolism and has a strong antioxidant effect. Thanks to these characteristics, garlic can be useful in the fight against varicoceles both from the inside as part of the diet and from the outside as a compress.


It is a very rich food that is used in many natural treatments. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory capacity, it helps treat varicocele. It also helps the body detoxify.


Oily fish

Oily fish stimulate blood circulation thanks to omega-3

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Beet helps maintain the dilation of the vessels.

Red berries

Red berries protect arterial walls and promote vessel elasticity.

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We are present in many countries: BENIN, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, GABON, TOGO, MALI, Burkina Faso, SENEGAL, GHANA, DRC, CONGO, FRANCE, USA, GREAT BRITAIN, Guinea Conakry, New Guinea, TANZANIA, Africa South, CHAD, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Kuwait, Lebanon. Products are delivered to other countries by DHL or EMS. We also deliver by post with extreme speed and lots of positive feedback. We provide quality service with good after-sales follow-up and we take good care of our patients. For those who don't have great means, we are there for everyone. Support is offered throughout the period of taking herbal teas. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button or the chat button on your screen. Delivery is free worldwide

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