Herbal Tea 577: Treat Depression With Lemon Verbena

Soigner La dépression Avec La Verveine Citronné .La verveine citronné est une huile essentielle efficace contre l’angoisse, le stress et la dépression.

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Treating Depression With Lemon Verbena What are the benefits of verbena against Crohn's disease? How much verbena is used to treat anxiety and depression? What are the health consequences of verbena?

Treat Depression With Lemon Verbena

Related Research To Treat Depression With Lemon Verbena

Treating Depression With Lemon Verbena, What are the benefits of verbena against Crohn's disease? ,How much verbena is used to treat anxiety and depression? What are the health consequences of verbena?

Everything about lemon verbena

Lemon verbena is an essential oil that fights depression and helps combat anxiety and anxiety. It is also used to encourage restful sleep. It also helps to strengthen concentration and inspiration.

Lemon verbena oil also has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat Crohn's disease, colitis or asthma.

Two types of verbena essential oil exist: Indian verbena, also known as lemongrass, and fragrant or lemon verbena. It is important not to confuse it with verbena which has no odor.

This is lemon (or scented) verbena. It is called lippia citriodora in Latin.


The origin of lemon verbena essential oil

It is a woody plant of 1 to 3 m native to the Andean highlands. The deciduous, lanceolate, pale green leaves are very fragrant, lemony.

The flowers are small, white or purple and grouped in spikes 10cm long.

  • It takes a ton of leaves to distill 1 liter of essential oil. It is therefore rare and expensive.
  • Lemon verbena oil is not recommended for pregnant women (during the entire pregnancy), breastfeeding women and children under 7 years old.
  • It is also not recommended in cases of hormone-dependent mastosis or cancer.
  • It is a photosensitizing essential oil so avoid any exposure to the sun after application to the skin.

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Technical sheet for herbal tea to treat depression with lemon verbena

Presentation of Herbal Tea 577: Treating Depression With Lemon Verbena

-powder in sachet or 50g pot

Composition of Herbal Tea 577: Treating Depression With Lemon Verbena

  • -Plant extracts

Active subtances

  • -trama dol naturel, natural reserpine, etc...

Price: €30

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Indication of Natural Treatment for sleep disorder

Insomnia, depressive state, nightmare, sleep disorder,

Instructions for use of Natural Treatment for Sleep Disorder

Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water, let cool and filter. Keep cool. Drink half a glass in the evening before going to bed

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Anxiety, stress and depression with lemon verbena

  • Lemon verbena is an essential oil effective against anxiety, stress and depression. It can be used in 3 different ways:

1. Internal use

  • For anxiety, stress or mild depression, take 2 drops of lemon verbena essential oil on a neutral tablet, 3 times a day.

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2. External use

  • It is recommended to dilute lemon verbena essential oil in a 10% vegetable oil to avoid dermocaustic and irritant effects on the skin.

It is also not recommended to expose yourself to the sun after using this essential oil on the skin.

For fear, stress or depression

  • Manual

2 drops of lemon verbena oil + 20 drops of vegetable oil. By applying a lotion to the spine, the solar plexus and the inside of the wrists. Take a lot of inspiration...


3. Diffusing lemon verbena oil

  • Lemon verbena essential oil has a sweet, lemony, deep scent. This takes you into a world of peace, serenity, joy and the desire to live.

Diffuse lemon verbena essential oil for anxiety, stress or depression. It creates a relaxing atmosphere. It is also possible to breathe directly from the bottle of essential oil.

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Lemon verbena for sleep

  • For better sleep, put a few drops of lemon verbena essential oil on a tissue and breathe in to help you sleep, calm or soothe you.

For sleep, you can also dilute 1 drop of lemon verbena essential oil in 8 drops of vegetable oil. Massage this mixture into the solar plexus, the arch of the foot and the inside of the wrists, 3 times a day.

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