Herbal Tea 509: How to Naturally Cure Heavy Legs?

How to Cure Heavy Legs Naturally? With 509 herbal tea you have the answer to your question. This herbal tea is incredibly effective. Read until the end to discover this herbal tea.

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How to Cure Heavy Legs Naturally? Natural treatment for heavy legs What plants are used to treat heavy legs? What is the link between heavy legs and high blood pressure?

How to Naturally Cure Heavy Legs?

Research Associated With Natural Care for Heavy Legs

How to Cure Heavy Legs Naturally?, Natural treatment for heavy legs, What plants are used to treat heavy legs? What is the link between heavy legs and high blood pressure?

Definition of Heavy Legs

Heavy legs are an uncomfortable and tiring sensation felt in the legs. A feeling of weight or tension in the lower extremities is usually associated with this sensation, which can make walking and mobility more difficult. Althoughheavy legs are a common and usually benign symptom, they can also indicate more serious problems.


The reasons for heavy legs

Heavy legs can be caused by several reasons, such as:

The primary cause of heavy legs is chronic venous insufficiency. It is characterized by the fact that the veins in the legs do not carry blood properly to the heart, leading to accumulation

  • Being sedentary or maintaining a prolonged standing position can lead to a feeling of heavy legs.
  • Heat: Blood vessels can dilate when exposed to high heat, which can lead to a feeling of heavy legs.
  • Pregnancy: Heavy legs can be caused by hormonal changes and increased pressure on the veins during pregnancy.
  • Obesity: Excessive weight can make the veins in your legs work harder.
  • Age: Reduced elasticity of vein walls and heavy legs can be caused by aging.
  • Genetic factors: There may be a genetic predisposition to vein problems.


The Role of herbal tea 509

It is the most ideal herbal tea for treating leg varicose veins, varicoceles and hemorrhoids. Without forgetting: leg swelling, heavy legs and venous insufficiency, heavy legs. Good product for toning the veins and activating blood circulation. Indeed Herbal Tea No. 509 successfully treats venous insufficiency of the lower limbs and varicose veins by strengthening the valves or valves located in the veins of the body in general and the lower limbs in particular. Plants remain a good solution for treating most problems related to blood circulation. The symptoms of heavy legs, pain, tingling and others stop within the first week of treatment. Good product

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Technical sheet for herbal tea 509: How to naturally treat heavy legs?

Presentation of How to Cure Heavy Legs Naturally?

-powder in sachet or 50g pot

Composition of How to Naturally Cure Heavy Legs?

- Extracts of 9 astringent, vasoconstrictor, venotonic plants:: Caïlcédrat, lannea acida, moringa root, guro root

Active subtances

-Strongly astringent, vasoconstrictor and depurative elements, etc.

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Therapeutic Effects of herbal tea to naturally treat heavy legs

How to Cure Heavy Legs Naturally? Very good herbal tea to tone the veins and activate blood circulation. Herbal Tea No. 509 is vasculoprotective and venotonic. Herbal tea strengthens the valves located in the veins of the lower limbs and increases the tone of these veins. The herbal tea acts on the return vascular system. The symptoms of heavy legs, pain, tingling and others stop within the first week of treatment. The astringent elements it contains tone the veins, reduce venous distensibility, reduce venous stasis, activate circulation in the veins and prevent blood from stagnating. At the microcirculation level, the herbal tea normalizes capillary permeability and strengthens capillary resistance. The veins are more toned to facilitate the dynamic rise of blood. The purifying elements of the herbal tea relieve the liver and facilitate the drainage of toxins

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Venous insufficiency, chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs, functional and organic. Varicose veins of the legs, internal varicose veins, heavy legs, etc.

Manual :

Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water. let cool and filter. Drink half a glass, 3 times a day for six months. Add the juice of a ripe lemon to the mixture.

NB: Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, varicocele and venous insufficiency are all diseases linked to vein pain.


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Some natural plants to avoid heavy legs

You suffer from heavy legs, so here are some simple tips you can put in place.

The red vine

Heavy legs benefit greatly from the help of the red vine. It is known to relieve blood circulation problems. It can be consumed as an infusion by adding a teaspoon of leaves to a cup of boiling water for ten minutes.

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The monoterpenes in peppermint limit venous dilation, which is the main cause of poor blood circulation and the appearance of heavy legs. It must be diluted in a vegetable oil before being applied by massage going up from the ankles to the thighs. It should not be used by pregnant women.

Green clay

It is known that green clay helps to tone the vein walls and decongest the tissues. It is used as a poultice by pouring 1 to 2 tablespoons of clay into a glass container (use a wooden spoon) and covering with a little warm spring water to make a thick paste. Then apply the paste to a fine cloth and let the clay apply directly to the legs for an hour.



Flavonoids are venotonic antioxidants, meaning they have the ability to strengthen the vein wall and thin the blood. They are found in certain foods such as red fruits, turmeric, chili peppers and even pepper. Regularly consuming a mixture of turmeric and chili pepper would thus constitute an effective natural remedy to reduce the feeling of heavy legs.

Cold water

Cold water reduces heaviness in the legs. Taking a nice cool shower by raising the water jet from the ankles to the thighs helps to stimulate blood circulation and avoid blood stagnation in case of heavy legs.


Practicing a sporting activity

Practicing a sporting activity promotes venous return. Sports such as walking, cycling, swimming or even jogging are therefore recommended if there is a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

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Take a foot bath

Taking a foot bath promotes good blood circulation. As soon as a heaviness is felt in the legs, fill a basin with fresh water containing 500g of coarse unrefined sea salt then immerse your feet or even your calves in it for 1/2 hour. Then dry with a towel.

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Thyme is an aromatic plant known for its anti-infectious properties in the ENT sphere, but it also considerably stimulates blood circulation. For 15 minutes, boil 500 grams of dried thyme in 4 liters of water to make a thyme decoction. Filter the preparation and pour it into the bath water.

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We have representations in many countries: Gabon, Benin, Cameroon, CUBA, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Togo, Congo Brazzaville, DRC Kinshasa, France, USA, Guinea Conakry, MOROCCO, NIGERIA. Products are delivered to other countries by DHL or EMS. We also deliver by post with extreme speed and lots of positive feedback. We provide quality service with good after-sales follow-up and we take good care of our patients. For those who don't have great means, we are there for everyone. Support is offered throughout the period of taking herbal teas. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button or the chat button on your screen. Delivery is free worldwide
