Herbal Tea 508: Hemorrhoid Natural Treatment in Ghana

Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment in Ghana. With this herbal tea said to God for hemorrhoidal problems. It is an excellent herbal tea which tones the hemorrhoidal veins. A very good laxative.

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Reference: t-508

In stock: 28899

30,00€ inc. tax

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  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

Natural Treatment Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment in Ghana How to treat hemorrhoid naturally? How to treat internal hemorrhoid? Which plant used in Ghana to treat hemorrhoid? How to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding in Ghana.

Hemorrhoid Natural Treatment in Ghana

Research Related to Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment in Ghana

Natural Treatment Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment in Ghana, How to treat hemorrhoid naturally?, How to treat internal hemorrhoid?, Which plant used in Ghana to treat hemorrhoid?, How to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding in Ghana.

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Definition of hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoids are dilated blood vessels in the lower rectum and anus. A crisis can be painful. Fortunately, an attack can be alleviated through the use of natural herbs. Discover our natural herbal tea effective against hemorrhoids.

Technical Sheet of Hemorrhoid Natural Treatment in Ghana


-powder in sachet or 50g pot.


Absorbent plant extracts, astringents, mild laxatives, antioxidants, etc.

Active subtances

-Anti-inflammatory, astringent and antioxidant principles

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Therapeutic Effects OF Hemorrhoid Natural Treatment In Ghana

Hemorrhoids arevaricose veins (abnormal and permanent dilation of the veins) that are found around the anus after prolonged constipation or irritation. Although there are many causes, poor blood circulation and poor drainage of toxins are always linked. Hemorrhoids are annoying and painful, and sometimes they cause bleeding. Herbal tea No. 508 can treat this condition. The herbal tea contains a large quantity of vasoconstrictor, vasculoprotective and venotonic components. In addition, it is a depurative, an antioxidant and an immune reconstituter which increases the tone of the veins and facilitates the elimination of toxins with good detoxification. Thus, the herbal tea stimulates circulation, tones the hemorrhoidal veins, completely absorbs inflammation, stops bleeding and swelling of the veins of the anus. It is an effective treatment for hemorrhoids.

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Indications, Directions for Use, Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment in Ghana


  • Hemorrhoids,

  • chronic constipation,
  • poisoning.

Manual :

Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water. Leave to cool and filter. Keep cool. Drink half a glass, 3 times a day. Add the juice of a ripe lemon to the mixture. Three months of treatment, renewable two to four times. Healing assured.

NB: Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, varicocele and venous insufficiency are all diseases linked to the veins and it is all a question of the location of the inflammation.

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Natural Plants to Treat Hemorrhoids

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Several plants participate in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Among this we have:

Waters rich in iron and magnesium

Thus, the first strategy consists of reestablishing normal transit. The naturopath advises drinking plenty of water to avoid constipation, and it is also possible to take regular cures with water rich in iron and magnesium such as Rozana, Hépar or Quézac.



An expert suggests mixing a tablespoon of psyllium with water: "We drink, then we drink a second glass of pure water afterwards." Another precautionary measure: drink a cup of lukewarm water on an empty stomach on Morning.

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Improving blood circulation is the second method. Beyond traditional compression stockings, the naturopath emphasizes the importance of promoting movement and emphasizing physical activity to “get things moving”. It is then necessary to practice inverted postures, such as those used in yoga (such as the candle), and not to neglect massages. In the long term, dry brushing with an appropriate brush is beneficial.

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Regarding diet, the expert advises consuming a large quantity of fruits and vegetables (especially green vegetables) in order to benefit from adequate fiber, as well as complete or semi-complete cereals (do not confuse rice white and white pasta). To relieve the liver, a diet is recommended. A healthier diet based on vegetables, fruits, fish and first cold-pressed oils rich in omega 3 is recommended by the naturopath. Acidic foods and cabbages are appreciated: black radish, artichoke, broccoli, leeks, etc.



The derivative bath is another effective treatment offered by the naturopath. In practice, it consists of applying cold to the perineum in order to activate circulation and induce vasoconstriction. Today there are specially designed cold packs (Yokool) that can be slipped directly into the briefs! It is an entirely natural method and ideal for pregnant women which helps restart intestinal transit and blood circulation.

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Red vine and milk thistle are the most suitable plants. To maximize the effect on the liver, the specialist recommends combining "50 drops of horse chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum) intrait 3 times a day at mealtimes with 2 capsules of milk thistle (silybum marianum) 3 times a day away from meals.

► Caution: Horse chestnut should not be used by pregnant women, nursing women or young children. It is also recommended not to do so in cases of liver or kidney failure or insulin-dependent diabetes.


Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel, applied topically, will soothe pain thanks to its comforting effect. Its healing and decongestant effects also help fight hemorrhoids.

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