Herbal tea 140: Incense of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom, justice, peace

Incense of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom, justice, peace, love, fortune. Everyone has the right to happiness. Each person can live better with spiritual help. Find out how to achieve this.

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Reference: 140

In stock: 4656

20,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

Peace Herbal tea 140: Incense of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom

The product


Incense of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom, justice, peace promise of life is highly activated incense to amplify its spiritual virtues of inner peace, cheerfulness, purity, security, calm, love, concentration and meditation. The Herbal Tea N°140: Active Incense of the Holy Spirit is useful in cases of insomnia, depression, persecution, insecurity, loss of customers, home quarrels, financial difficulties at home, etc... This incense helps to find clients, find work and facilitates peace at home.

Herbal Tea 140: Incense of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom, justice, peace brings peace at home and facilitates human relations.

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Presentation of Herbal Tea 140: Incense of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom, Justice, Peace

-powder in bags of 50g


Composition of Herbal Tea 140: Incense of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom, justice, peace

Incense, resin, myrrh, benzoin, vegetable and mineral extracts

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Active ingredients

Incense, resin, myrrh, benzoin, vegetable and mineral extracts

Price: 20 €.


The therapeutic effects of incense.


Herbal Tea 140: Incense of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom, justice, peace allows to find wisdom, clients, work and facilitates success. In addition, the active incense of the Holy Spirit protects children, the family, brings prosperity to the home and drives away evil spirits.  The Herbal Tea N°140: Active Incense of the Holy Spirit is an important protector and purifier of the home. Purifying, calming and antiseptic, it acts on the bronchial tubes and neutralizes lung infections. It is an odour fixative. It calms the mind and promotes meditation, concentration and contemplation. It helps to fight against excesses of all kinds, to calm tension. It chases away depressive tendencies and dark thoughts, creates an atmosphere of calm and harmony conducive to prayer. It awakens enthusiasm, idealism and goodness. It favours purification, righteous life, visions. It helps personal evolution and spiritual development. 

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

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Need for inner peace, concentration, need for help, need for inspiration, situation of fear, need for peace at home, need for social upliftment, to avoid divorce, in examination situation, insomnia, depressive state, persecution, etc.

 Instructions for use :Read the instructions

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

Discuss  here with your lady feranmi