Herbal Tea 526: Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia

Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia. Here is the secret code to solve all your male infertility problems and also boost your fertility.

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Reference: t-526

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Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia Which plant is used to treat Necrozoospermia? Can I have a child with Necrozoospermia? What is the main cause of Necrozoospermia?

Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia

Research Associated with Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia

Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia, Which plant is used to treat Necrozoospermia? Can I have a child with Necrozoospermia? What is the main cause of Necrozoospermia?


Definition of necrozoospermia

Necrozoospermia is the condition of dead sperm in men. Indeed, this type of infertility is very rare and affects around 5% of men worldwide. Therefore, necrozoospermia is essentially divided into two categories:

  • Incomplete necrozoospermia means that not all of the reproductive cells in the man have perished. Therefore, a man who has been diagnosed with incomplete necrozoospermia has more than 5% and less than 45% of living sperm in his semen.
  • In complete necrozoospermia, all of a man's reproductive cells are dead. Therefore, sperm ejaculated by a man die quickly. This is rarer.

Like many causes of male infertility, necrozoospermia has no symptoms, although it can sometimes be associated with testicular infections. In particular, varicosis of the testicles.

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Causes of necrozoospermia

Necrozoospermia is a very rare disease that affects sperm. Indeed, studies on necrozoospermia conducted to date still fail to reveal exactly why it occurs, even though it is already known to be linked to several symptoms, such as:

  • Hormonal problems
  • Anterior testicular cancer
  • Testicular infections
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Long periods without ejaculation
  • Advanced age


Technical sheet for the Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia

Presentation of Herbal Tea 526: Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia

-Powder in sachet or pot of 50g.

Composition of the Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia

-Organic plant extracts (Adenia lobata, cissus, arachis, elaeis guineensis, lonchocarpus, Maximov, galanga, piper, Maca, voacanga, cissus, flugia virosa, tribulus, etc.).

Active Ingredients of Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia

Alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, sterols, plant hormones, poly terpenes, polyphenols, micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins of group B, C, and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine, etc. All these elements give the herbal tea immunostimulating virtues of activation and sperm and sperm production.

Price: 50 euros

Therapeutic effects of Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia

Natural herbal tea against Necrozoospermia is a good treatment against male infertility due to its richness in micronutrients. Most infertile men do not have erectile problems. They are often active in bed but with sterile sperm without fertilizing power. The role of our herbal tea is to give them back this capacity through a rapid improvement in the health of their reproductive system. From the qualitative and quantitative point of view of precious elements such as semen, spermatozoa, without forgetting the circulation in the small vessels, etc. .

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Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia works in the following cases

- Necrospermia or necrozoospermia

-oligospermia: Insufficient sperm in the semen. Normally there are at least 20 million sperm per ml of semen. A number below 10 million/ml can be responsible for infertility

Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia does not work in the following cases
-Varicocele: the varicocele must be treated first

-Absence of testicle or organic problem.

-Prostate cancer.

- Sterility due to alcoholism or chronic smoking unless the patient changes their lifestyle: Total cessation of alcohol, tobacco and detoxification before treatment.

-Bad lifestyle. The wandering man, public distributor of sperm without restraint.

-Retrograde ejaculation: sperm is not ejaculated outwards but towards the bladder

-Exposure to excessive amounts of heat

-The presence of anti-sperm antibodies: men can sometimes become immunized against their own sperm: in this case, the mobility and fertilizing capacity of the sperm is reduced

-Certain liver and kidney diseases

-Repeated exposures to chemical compounds

-Obstruction of the excretory pathways (epididymis, varicocele, vas deferens or ejaculatory channels) which should allow the exit of spermatozoa despite normal quality of spermatozoa produced by the testicles

-A genetic anomaly: Klinefelter syndrome, a chromosomal anomaly, which combines atrophy of the testicles, azoospermia (absence of sperm in the ejaculate) and gynecomastia.

Indications: oligospermia, Necrospermia, necrozoospermia, Asthenospermia


Instructions for use of Natural Treatment Against Necrozoospermia

--Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water for 5 minutes. Leave to cool and filter.

Drink half a glass, once a day, for three months.

--In the mornings upon rising and 3 times a week for 3 months, take a teaspoon of the powder in a homogeneous mixture of first cold pressed olive oil and the juice of a very ripe lemon,

NB: Allow three months of treatment with 10 sachets

Make the diagnosis carefully before committing to the three treatments with 10 sachets.

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The virtues of small cola on sperm

According to several scientific studies, cola has beneficial effects on sperm development. It improves the quality and quantity of sperm and gives the sperm the necessary energy. It is also a powerful aphrodisiac which strengthens virility and restores strength to men. In addition, small kola is involved in the production of drugs to treat sexual disorders in men. Men suffering from sexual disorders should regularly consume small cola, according to the African pharmacopoeia.

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The hidden benefits of ginger on sperm

Ginger, like cola, is an aphrodisiac. In fact, the gingerol contained in ginger facilitates and stimulates the flow of blood necessary for the erection of the penis. It stimulates the vital functions of the penis and ensures abundant sperm production.

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