Herbal Tea 541: Natural Treatment for Gestational Diabetes in the USA

Natural Treatment for Gestational Diabetes in the USA. With 541 herbal tea, your sugar levels are regulated naturally during pregnancy. It's an excellent herbal tea.

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Reference: t-541

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30,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

Natural Treatment for Gestational Diabetes In the USA Which plant is used to treat gestational diabetes? How is gestational diabetes cured? What diet should be favored for gestational diabetes patients?

Related Research: Natural Treatment for Gestational Diabetes in the USA

Natural Treatment for Gestational Diabetes In the USA, Which plant is used to treat gestational diabetes?, How is gestational diabetes cured?, What diet should be favored for gestational diabetes patients?


Definition of gestational diabetes

When an abnormally high blood sugar level (hyperglycemia) is discovered in a pregnant woman who never had high blood sugar before her pregnancy, it is called gestational diabetes.

A pregnancy-induced disorder of glucose tolerance is called gestational diabetes, sometimes called gestational diabetes. For a woman who did not have diabetic problems before, this causes high blood sugar levels. In the absence of support, delivery can be difficult if the baby weighs more than 4 kg. Additionally, the child may be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes during his or her life. Gestational diabetes usually begins to manifest itself toward the end of the second trimester of pregnancy.

It affects 2 to 6% of pregnant women, with a higher risk in some women. Gestational diabetes usually goes away after pregnancy, but there remains a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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Women at high risk of gestational diabetes

When certain risk factors are identified in a pregnant woman, gestational diabetes is systematically diagnosed:

  • overweight and obesity (BMI greater than 25);
  • personal or family history of diabetes;
  • age over 35;
  • previous pregnancy giving birth to a baby weighing more than 4 kg;
  • fetus large for its age (measured by ultrasound);
  • presence of an abnormally high amount of amniotic fluid;
  • history of long-term treatment with corticosteroids (cortisone).


The causes of gestational diabetes

The mother's need for insulin (the hormone produced by the pancreas to reduce blood sugar) increases by a factor of 2 to 3. The hormonal balance of pregnancy is responsible for this increase. However, in some predisposed women, the pancreas cannot meet this increased need for insulin, resulting in gestational diabetes.

In some cases, hyperglycemia without symptoms was already present before the start of pregnancy, and the discovery of hyperglycemia is only a symptom of unrecognized pre-existing type 2 diabetes. Natural Solution for Self

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Technical Data Sheet for Natural Treatment of Gestational Diabetes in the USA

Presentation of Herbal Tea 541: Natural Treatment for Gestational Diabetes in the USA

-Powder in 50g sachet


-Organic plant extracts

.Active subtances

-Hypoglycemic, astringent elements, etc.

Side effect

Bitter taste

Price: €30

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Therapeutic Effect of Natural Treatment for Gestational Diabetes in the USA

541 herbal tea is a complex of hypoglycemic, depurative and highly antioxidant elements. The elements facilitate better assimilation of sugar, good blood circulation, good irrigation of the pancreas and evacuation of toxins from the body, the primary causes of all diseases. Regardless of the type of diabetes, 541 herbal tea is useful.

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Diabetes, obesity, varicose veins, venous insufficiency,.

Directions: Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water for 5 minutes. Leave to cool and filter.

Drink half a glass, 3 times a day, for 3 months.

Good to know

Diabetes in pregnant women requires medical supervision and dietary measures, including treatment with herbal medicine. It is possible to use the benefits of garlic and onion in your daily consumption, as these plants are able to effectively control blood sugar levels. In detail, the combination of fenugreek and olive tree can also be considered as an option, provided you have received a prescription from a phytotherapist or naturopath.

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