The best recipes based on parsley to cure prostatitis, and erectile disorders, and regulate the menstrual cycle.





Therapeutic properties of parsley leaves

Some recipes and other medicinal properties of parsley

Use of parsley root

The chemical composition of parsley useful for therapy

Medicinal properties of parsley root

Other useful parsley recipes

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 08/01/2022

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Parsley, also called (Petroselinum crispum), flat or curly, is an aromatic plant of Mediterranean origin very widespread in Europe.

Used for millennia in the kitchen, this plant rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements has also long been recognized for its virtues and its health benefits.


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Fresh parsley leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals. Their antioxidant power makes them an excellent healthy seasoning, fighting against the appearance of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and other diseases related to cell ageing.


Parsley is known for its diuretic properties. It is then particularly effective in decoction (50 g of parsley leaves per litre of water) to drink throughout the day.

Parsley offers beneficial action on the liver, spleen, intestines and the entire digestive system.

It relieves intestinal disorders (bloating, constipation, indigestion), calms renal colic and fights against urinary tract infections.

Prevention of chronic and seasonal diseases of the respiratory tract: cough, asthma, bronchitis.

Parsley has anti-anaemic and blood-thinning effects. It is effective in cases of irregular, painful periods. Rich in vitamin K, it is however not recommended for people taking blood thinners.

Be careful, too much parsley could cause heart problems, have abortifacient effects and irritate the kidneys.
In general, it is not recommended for pregnant women and people with kidney problems.

Applied externally, parsley leaves soothe insect bites, skin irritations, bruises and bruises.


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The main asset of parsley is its richness in vitamin C.

It is also a good source of provitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B9 and minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Finally, parsley contains a large amount of apigenin, lutein and beta-carotene which are powerful antioxidants.

In practice: to benefit from a significant contribution of vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to consume a generous portion of parsley. Count 2 to 3 tablespoons of chopped parsley to sprinkle in an omelette, a tabbouleh, a salad, a vinaigrette...



Parsley to detoxify the body


Parsley has diuretic and purifying properties. It naturally cleanses the kidneys and promotes the elimination of toxins.

In practice: put a bunch of parsley in a litre of water. Boil, filter and let cool. Drink a glass of this decoction daily for a maximum of 1-2 weeks.

Parsley to fight bad breath

By capturing certain sulfur compounds in the mouth and the intestine, parsley helps to mask bad odours, particularly when garlic is ingested. Please discover the halitosis recipe called bad breath by clicking on HALITOSIS REMEDY.

In practice: infuse a few leaves of parsley that you will use as a gargle to rinse your mouth or simply chew a sprig of parsley.

Parsley to aid digestion

Parsley has digestive and antispasmodic properties. It is therefore interesting to relieve bloating, colic, and intestinal gas.

In practice: immerse a few parsley leaves in a cup of boiling water and enjoy this infusion after the meal.

Parsley to regulate menstrual flow

Parsley contains apiol, a substance with emmenagogue properties. In other words, it helps to regularize or restore interrupted periods (amenorrhea) but also to relieve menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea).

In practice: to consume in the form of an infusion.

Parsley to block lactation

Parsley has anti-galactogenic properties. It is therefore recommended to prevent the rise of milk, relieve milky engorgement or gently help to wean.

In practice: consume it as a herbal tea or, in case of engorgement, immerse a few parsley leaves in a little hot water and place as a poultice on the breasts.

Parsley is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory

Use it as a poultice to soothe an insect bite or decongest a bruise, or as a herbal tea to calm a cough.

Parsley, an anti-cancer food

The apigenin contained in parsley is the subject of numerous studies. This flavonoid is said to have anti-cancer properties and helps regulate blood glucose. However, further research is needed to confirm these initial promising results.


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Parsley root has long been used by shamans in magical rituals, and healers have advised them to use it to improve menstrual discharge. Moreover, the root had to be collected exclusively on the new moon, taking into account the position of the new month (must be on the horizon line).


Preparation of medical raw materials

In addition to the usual parsley, in which every household plot will certainly have its place, many grow root parsley (more often in a two-year culture). The characteristic difference between parsley root and ordinary varieties is the fleshy and juicy root, which is used for medicinal purposes. Under suitable growing conditions, root weight in the second year of life can reach 100 grams or more. Root harvesting can begin in the fall (the first year of cultivation) or during the entire warm period (the second year of the plant). You can use freshly uprooted root crops and you can also dry them for future use. The root vegetable washed before drying is cut into pieces lengthwise and dried in the open air (under a canopy, hanging on a fishing line), or in a thermal dryer (temperature not exceeding 40 ° C, to avoid the loss of essential oils).

Dried or fresh parsley root has two benefits: as a seasoning and as a medicinal raw material.


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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 08/01/2022

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Parsley roots, as well as its leaves, contain volatile essential oil (about 0.08 - 0.1%), B vitamins (B1, B2), nicotinamide (vitamin P), vitamin C and carotenoids (provitamin A), carbohydrates and organic acids.



Above all, parsley root is a valuable vitamin supplement. It is enough to eat 50 to 60 g of parsley to meet the body's daily needs of ascorbic acid and vitamin A.

Parsley root has pronounced diuretic properties, which can be recommended for patients with oedema of renal or cardiac origin.

The components of parsley root essential oil have antimicrobial activity and stimulate the outflow of bile and digestive processes.

The use of parsley in food (roots, leaves) is recommended for patients with coronary heart disease. Such a dietary supplement also has an effect in the case of decompensated heart defects.




Cardiac oedema

In this case, a root decoction is assigned to increase diuresis. In addition, the potassium in the root has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. Prepare the medicine in the amount of 1 tbsp. Ground raw material in 250 ml of water (boil 10 to 12 minutes). On the day it is recommended to take a glass of decoction up to 3 times.


Folk healers recommend an infusion of parsley root (2 tablespoons per 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 4-6 hours). To enhance the therapeutic effect, a combination of curly parsley leaves mixed with the root is recommended. Take up to 5 times a day until completely healed.


It is known that parsley leaves are recommended for men with erectile dysfunction and the root is often prescribed for prostatitis. When the prostate is used fresh root, must be ground on a grater and pour boiling water (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water). Leave to infuse for 10 to 12 hours (in a thermos). Take before meals 1 tablespoon.

Parsley juice is a very powerful remedy for stimulating the adrenal cortex. Also, the juice helps improve digestion, however, it is enough just to enter parsley into the diet. Prepare the juice preferably from the whole plant (root and grass). The plant cleared of soil is ground in a meat grinder and squeezed into juice. Liquid separation is easy, even without soaking in water. It is recommended to take the juice in a mixture with 1 tablespoon of honey three times a day.

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