Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, most often due to an infection. It is almost always associated with irritation of the vulva, which is why it is called vulvovaginitis. This is called vulvovaginitis. It is estimated that 75% of women will suffer from vaginitis in their lifetime. In the vast majority of cases, vaginitis is just a bad time to pass: it is particularly uncomfortable and disturbing, but not dangerous. Trichomonas vaginitis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

How to cure vaginitis? What are the symptoms to recognize it? And how to prevent recurrences?

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To treat vaginitis, simply click on the image below to discover the free ORGANIC remedy offered by the NGO AFRIQUE SANTE BIO.

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The damage of vaginitis.

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According to the medical gynaecologist, vaginitis is manifested by:

Itching (pruritus),

Abnormal vaginal discharge called leucorrhoea is different depending on the nature of the causative germ.

Purely whitish, thick, curd-like vaginal discharge in vaginitis caused by a fungus (mycotic vaginitis or vulvovaginal mycosis);

Fluid, abundant, greyish or yellowish and malodorous vaginal discharge in bacterial vaginitis

Sometimes frothy and greenish vaginal discharge in parasitic vaginitis, pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia),

Burning while urinating or difficulty urinating,

Swollen, red and painful labia majora

Have diabetes and whose disease is not under the control


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When the vaginitis is not infectious, it can be an allergy to a hygiene product or an intimate toilet that is too energetic, certain allergenic products (chlorine for example), or a lack of lubrication during sexual intercourse, irritating.

Vaginitis can be infectious, caused by a fungus (vaginal yeast infection), bacteria (Chlamydia for example), virus (such as herpes) or parasite (trichomonas for example) or be related to non-infectious irritation of the vagina.

Vaginitis very often falls into different categories and therefore has its causes. Among these we distinguish:

Infectious vaginitis

Caused by bacteria or yeast, sometimes transmitted during unprotected sex with an infected partner.

Non-infectious vaginitis

Caused by chemicals, various irritants and/or an allergy (spermicide, soap, perfume, condom latex, etc.)

Atrophic vaginitis

Sometimes occurs during menopause, due to hormonal changes that thin the vaginal wall.

bacterial vaginosis

Caused by an imbalance between the natural bacteria present in the vagina. It can occur with IUD use, douching, smoking, or multiple sexual partners, but it is not an STD.

vaginal candidiasis

Caused by an overgrowth of normal vaginal yeast in the body. It occurs when taking certain medications, diabetes, and hormonal disorders (pregnancy, oral contraceptives), due to a weak immune system, fatigue, and stress.



The women most at risk of contracting vaginitis are those who, regardless of their age:

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Are very tired, for various reasons: severe weight loss diet, sleep disorders, stress, underlying illness, etc.

take the pill

Are taking certain antibiotics

Wear a copper IUD

Are you on estrogen therapy

Have a new sexual partner, or multiple partners

Regularly use vaginal douches or antiseptic and/or perfumed intimate hygiene products (more than 3 times a month)

Wear synthetic underwear, tight clothing, nylon tights, etc. (anything that prevents good breathing in the vaginal area)

Have poor personal hygiene

In addition, little girls may experience vaginitis a few days after birth, due to exposure to hormones from the mother.


Vaginitis is manifested by:

Redness and swelling of the genitals (vagina and vulva)

Intense itching

Burning during sex and when urinating

Vaginal discharge that differs according to the causes of the infection: grey, yellowish and smelly in case of bacterial vaginitis, whitish and lumpy in case of yeast infection

Smelly discharge

Very rarely: weak vaginal bleeding, mild fever.

tiente présente des rougeurs au niveau des parois du vagin. Ces parois gonflent, s’irritent et sont douloureuses. La patiente ressent de fortes sensations de brûlures et des démangeaisons sur la zone inflammée. Tout cela peut s’accompagner d’écoulements vaginaux anormaux. Un prélèvement des sécrétions vaginales peut être réalisé sur la patiente permet de déterminer le germe responsable de la vaginite. Qu’il s’agisse de bactéries ou de champignons, les symptômes sont généralement douloureux et gênants.




Prevention depends on the cause. Vaginitis due to an STI (Trichomonas, Chlamydia, etc.) can be prevented by wearing a condom.

In the prevention of bacterial vaginitis and vaginal yeast infections, it is important:

To have a balanced vaginal flora.

Not to wash this fragile area with perfumed products and not to wash excessively,

To dry the vulva well after each toilet,

To wear cotton underwear,

Not to stay with wet bikini bottoms after swimming,

To change after sport

"To prevent irritative vaginitis, it is recommended to rinse with water alone as often as possible, advises Dr Elisabeth Paganelli. Not so long ago women often rinsed their vulva with water, when rules, after going to the WC. It was the use of bidets. These rules of hygiene in the event of recurrent vaginitis if one has access to these facilities".

In case of recurrent vaginitis, it is advisable to know everything about the composition of soaps and gels by learning to decipher the list of ingredients, to know how to eliminate products if you have recurrent vulvovaginitis, to change panties and protections often in case of sweats or during periods of menstruation, to use condoms". We can advise "to avoid the repetition of antibiotics in the event of repeated mycosis (review their indication with the prescriber) but sometimes we must explain that the mycoses will stop when the course of antibiotics is finished (for example in the event of treatment of several months of tuberculosis, salpingitis)".

Have good intimate hygiene: always gently dry the vaginal area, because humidity promotes bacterial reproduction

Do not use antiseptic and/or perfumed products in the vaginal area (soap, sprays, perfumes, tampons and sanitary napkins)

Only exceptionally use vaginal douches

Wear comfortable cotton underwear (thongs should be avoided)

Do not wear tight pants made of synthetic material

Wash underwear well

Do not wear a wet swimsuit for very long after getting out of the water

After bowel movements, wipe from front to back to prevent faeces from coming into contact with the vagina

Protect yourself with a condom during sexual intercourse

Avoid sexual intercourse until symptoms have completely resolved


Some recipes from us to treat vaginitis

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In the case of bacterial vaginitis (the most common), there is a grandmother's remedy which would, it seems, be as effective as the creams sold in pharmacies and particularly recommended in the event of pregnancy since you cannot take medicine: you must soak a sanitary tampon or a piece of cotton (kind of cotton disc to remove make-up) with probiotic natural yoghurt and place it for a few hours directly in the vagina or on the painful vaginal area (vulva, lips). The natural bacteria present in yoghurt can help the good vaginal flora reproduce, which makes it possible to fight effectively and quickly against bad bacteria. You can also insert yoghurt capsules directly into the entrance of the vagina. These are sold in pharmacies.