Treat myositis with a healthy and balanced diet

Using the right foods can provide myositis patients with many benefits, such as avoiding nutritional deficiencies, reducing medication side effects, maintaining a healthy weight, and promoting an overall sense of well-being.

Throughout our research, we have listed certain nutrients, supplements and vitamins.

Read till the end to learn more about this stuff. Before adopting any nutrition or supplement, notify your doctor.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 28/07/2022

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It has to do with the nutrient in each food group daily:

Cereals: A good source of fibre and low-fat energy. Whole grains, such as brown and wild rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, rye, oats, quinoa, corn, and barley are best because they also provide a good intake of folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B2, selenium, and zinc.

Fruits and vegetables: Contain antioxidants (a group of nutrients that fight free radicals, which can damage cells) and fibre. They are also excellent sources of vitamin C and vitamin A and are naturally low in salt and fat. Fresh or frozen varieties (without sauces) are recommended. If you consume canned fruits and vegetables, choose low-salt preparations. The consumption of dried fruits and fruit juices should be limited, due to their high sugar content. Try to have one or more servings of fruits OR vegetables OR both per meal. A single serving is ½ cup of cooked vegetables or fruit or 1 cup of raw vegetables or fruit.

Dairy products: the richest source of calcium - an essential mineral that strengthens bones and muscles; they are also excellent sources of zinc, B vitamins, vitamin D and selenium. People who are lactose intolerant (unable to digest the lactose in dairy products) can choose between lactose-free milk, soy milk, almond milk, and other lactose-free products that provide calcium, such as fortified juices in calcium. The goal is to consume three servings of dairy products or dairy alternatives per day. Meat, fish and poultry: excellent sources of protein. To meet the recommended guideline of one serving of lean protein at most meals, remove the skin from poultry, cut the fat, and avoid frying; instead, broil, roast, poach or broil these foods. Also, practice portion control. The serving size should be 4 ounces (about the size of your palm). Meat, fish and poultry are also excellent sources of zinc, B vitamins and iron.

Beans, Nuts, and Seeds: Provide plant-based protein and fibre. They are excellent sources of vitamin E and selenium. Beans are also a healthy meat substitute. Choose unsalted nuts and beans that are lower in sodium, including Brazil nuts, wheat germ, flax seeds, soybeans, kidney beans, and tofu; nuts and lentils are also recommended for their high nutritional content. Healthier fats: Foods that provide healthier fats, including monounsaturated oils, nuts, seeds, and avocado. Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat rich in antioxidant polyphenol. Try to limit solid fats, such as butter, stick margarine, shortening, and lard, as they can contribute to heart disease.

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It has to do with:


Creatine: Studied muscle diseases and thought to build muscle. This supplement is found naturally in meat and fish, although cooking lowers the level slightly. High doses have been found to harm the kidneys; however, these results imply the long-term use of creatine in athletes. A consultation is advised if you are considering creatine supplementation.

Fish Oil: May play a role in chronic and autoimmune heart disease by reducing inflammation. Fish oils contain high amounts of omega-3s, EPA and DHA. Care should be taken when using fish oils. Tell your doctor if you are taking fish oil and are planning surgery or if you are taking blood thinners.

Calcium and Vitamin D: Contain bone-strengthening nutrients that may help prevent or slow the progression of osteoporosis. As there has been an increased awareness of the harmful effects of overexposure to the sun, particularly in people with autoimmune diseases, vitamin D deficiency is common and many doctors include vitamin D tests in their regular exams. Because corticosteroids play a role in increasing the risk of osteoporosis, it's important to talk to your doctor about the calcium and vitamin D dosage that's right for you. In addition to dairy products, calcium can be found in wild salmon and sardines (with bones), enriched/fortified soy milk, shiitake mushrooms, broccoli, kale, and fortified breakfast cereals.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 28/07/2022

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