How to Take Care of the Prostate?

How to Take Care of the Prostate? Don't be afraid anymore despite your advanced age. Find out everything you need to take good care of your prostate.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 05/25/2024

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Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking specific steps to maintain prostate health. Note that even if some of these recommendations can reduce the risk of developing BPH, there is no absolute guarantee of total prevention. However, by incorporating 10 beneficial habits into your daily life, you can take care of your prostate and reduce the development of your BPH.

  • A balanced diet

A balanced diet is essential for general health and can also influence the prostate.

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  • Foods to favor

Eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low amounts of saturated fats can support prostate health. Certain foods are particularly perceived as favorable to the prostate. The same goes for tomatoes (made of lycopene) and fatty fish (made of omega-3 fatty acids), for example.

Vegetables, such as tomatoes and carrots, as well as fruits, may have a beneficial effect on reducing the risk of prostate adenoma. There is a possible explanation: vegetables and fruits contain highly rich antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, minerals and fiber. This could be essential to modify the inflammatory pathways linked to the progression of prostate hypertrophy.

Increased and decreased risk were associated with zinc and vitamin C, respectively, while polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid, vitamin A, and vitamin D were linked to a decreased risk of developing symptomatic enlarged prostate.

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  • Foods to avoid

Increasing the total amount of energy intake can potentially increase the risk of developing symptomatic prostate adenoma. It is important to control your protein intake, consumption of red meat, fats, dairy products, cereals, bread, poultry and starch

Note that the effectiveness of food supplements in the treatment of BPH gives rise to communications via websites and various advice, including those of an advertising nature, with very low levels of scientific proof, if not non-existent. We thus observe the widespread promotion and sale in pharmacies or elsewhere of treatments based on pumpkin seeds, nettle root extract, pumpkin extracts, pollen flowers or beta-sitosterol concentrates.

  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle

Sitting for long periods of time is linked to different health problems, including a possible contribution to BPH. During periods of sedentary work, it is advisable to take regular breaks and stretch. In general, exercising helps maintain good health and promotes overall physical activity.


  • Practice regular physical activity

Regular physical activity is beneficial for prostate health. According to research, it has been shown that physical exercise can help reduce the risk of developing BPH. Physical activities like walking, swimming, and cycling can be extremely beneficial. What types of activities should be carried out?

Practice different activities such as walking, cycling or running to build your endurance.

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Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight or obese is linked to a higher likelihood of getting BPH. It is possible to reduce this risk by maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. Regular physical activity can also help improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation.

  • Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption

Excess alcohol and caffeine can cause prostate irritation. It is advisable to restrict the use of these substances in order to preserve prostate health.

  • The tobacco

The strong link between smoking and arteriosclerosis has been strongly associated with the development of erection problems. Similarly, the well-established correlation between erectile dysfunction and urinary dysfunction suggests that exposure to tobacco may contribute to the development of urinary symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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  • Stress management

Chronic stress can negatively influence overall health, including prostate health. To better manage your stress, it is possible to implement different techniques:

It may be beneficial to practice meditation, relaxation and yoga.

Do regular physical exercise to relieve tension.

  • Carry out a regular health check-up

It is important to have regular check-ups as a preventative measure. Regular medical monitoring helps detect and treat potential health problems at an early stage. Regular prostate exams may be recommended, especially for men with a family history of BPH. Early detection of a possible prostate problem can have an impact on treatments and their success. There are two types of screening tests: the PSA test by means of a blood test or the digital rectal examination.

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  • See a doctor if you have symptoms

If symptoms such as urinary problems, difficulty emptying the bladder, or pain are present, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional. Early identification of prostate problems allows for appropriate management.

  • Thermal cures

Spa accommodation may be beneficial for urinary symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Indeed, the resulting dietary changes, such as reducing caloric intake, integrating physical activity and possibly the beneficial properties of water, can influence.

. Abundant hydration

Drinking enough water is essential for prostate health. Adequate hydration can help keep the prostate gland functioning properly. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

  • Avoid irritating products

The prostate can be affected by certain chemicals and irritants. It is recommended not to have prolonged exposure to potentially hazardous substances present in certain work environments, such as harsh household chemicals, etc.

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  • Prostate: age and genetic factors

The main risk factor for the development of prostate hyperplasia and related urinary symptoms is age itself. Research has been carried out to identify a genetic predisposition to clinical BPH in men under 60 years of age. The results indicate that it is possible that this condition is hereditary with predominant autosomal inheritance. It seems that prostate disease manifests itself earlier and more seriously in these families. The risk of developing moderate to severe urinary symptoms in older men could be explained by genetics.

In summary, the fight against benign prostatic hypertrophy requires a global approach that combines a balanced diet, regular physical activity, stress management and regular medical visits. It should be noted that genetics and other unchanged factors may also contribute to the development of BPH. Complete prevention may not be possible in all cases. However, by taking these steps it is possible to make an important contribution to prostate health.