061-Heavy Legs, Remedy for Heavy Legs
How to treat heavy legs? Remedy against heavy legs. The herbal tea strengthens the veins and makes them able to conduct blood back to the heart easily. It is the ideal remedy to treat varicose veins, varicocele, hemorrhoids, swollen legs, heavy legs, etc.
Reference: 061
In stock: 9864
30,00€ inc. tax
Heavy legs Remedy against heavy legs Venous insufficiency swollen legs
Natural Remedy for Heavy Legs, How to treat Varicose Veins? Herbal tea strengthens the veins and makes them able to conduct blood back to the heart easily. It is the
It is the ideal remedy to cure varicose veins, varicoceles, hemorrhoids, swollen legs, heavy legs, etc.. Good remedy to tone the veins and activate blood circulation. Indeed Herbal Tea No. 061 successfully treats venous insufficiency of the lower limbs and varicose veins by strengthening the valves or valves located in the veins of the body in general and lower limbs in particular. Plants remain a good solution to cure most of the problems related to blood circulation. The symptoms of heavy legs, pain, tingling and others cease after the first week of treatment. Good remedy.
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Herbal Tea 061 : Heavy Legs, Remedy for Heavy Legs
Good remedy to tone up the veins and activate blood circulation. Good therapy against varicose veins
Availability: In stock, 2 days delivery
30,00€ HT - 30,00€ TTC
Price per kilo : 300,00
Condition of the product : New
Supplier : Afrique-bio.
Manufacturer: Afrique-bio: Afrique-bio
Technical Data Sheet of the Natural Remedy for Heavy Legs
Presentation of the remedy against venous insufficiency, heavy legs.
-Powder in sachet or jar of 50g
Composition of the remedy against venous insufficiency, heavy legs.
- Extracts of 9 astringent, vasoconstrictor, veinotonic plants:: Cailcédrat, lannea acida, moringa root, gouro root
Active principles of the remedy against venous insufficiency, heavy legs.
---Elements strongly astringent, vasoconstrictors and depurative, etc.
Price: 30 €.
Therapeutic Effects of the Natural Remedy How to cure Varicose Veins
Therapeutic effects of the natural remedy against venous insufficiency, heavy legs, good remedy to tone up the veins and activate the blood circulation. Herbal Tea No. 061 is vasculoprotective and veinotonic. The tea No. 061 strengthens the valves or valves located in the veins of the lower limbs and increases the tone of these veins. The tea acts on the vascular system of return. The symptoms of heavy legs, pain, tingling and others cease from the first week of treatment. The astringent elements it contains tone up the veins, reduce venous distensibility, reduce venous stasis, activate the circulation in the veins and prevent blood from stagnating. At the level of the microcirculation, the tea N° 61 normalizes the capillary permeability and reinforces the capillary resistance. The veins are more tonic to facilitate the dynamic rise of blood. The depurative elements of the tea relieve the liver and facilitate the drainage of toxins. Herbal tea N°061 is an excellent remedy against venous insufficiency and varicocele. Good also to relieve in case of fatigue and low blood pressure.
Please discover the herbal tea that unblocks the tubes
Indications of the Natural Remedy Heavy Legs, How to cure Varicose Veins
Venous insufficiency, chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs, functional and organic. Leg varicose veins, internal varicose veins, heavy legs, etc.
Directions for use:
Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water, let cool and filter. Drink half a glass, 3 times a day for six months. Add the juice of a ripe lemon to the intake.
NB: Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, varicocele and venous insufficiency are all diseases related to the suffering of the veins.
Please visit https://www.e.africbio.com
See also Herbal Tea 068: Black cumin ointment, use
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