Herbal Tea 271: Best Natural Remedy for Uterine Synechia

An egg is the best natural remedy that cures synechia of the uterus in combination with herbal teas 264 and 270 but what is synechia? By definition, a synechia is a form of adhesion of two tissues to an organ. Thus, a synechia of the uterus or uterine synechia is the adhesion of two tissues inside the uterus. So when we speak of uterine synechia, we are talking about intrauterine adhesions: two tissues of the uterus stick together abnormally.

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Reference: 271

In stock: 4528

100,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

Best Natural Remedy for Uterine Synechia natural remedy that cures synechia of the uterus intrauterine adhesions

An egg is the best natural remedy that cures synechia of the uterus in combination with herbal teas 264 and 270 but what is synechia? By definition, a synechia is a form of adhesion of two tissues to an organ. Thus, a synechia of the uterus or uterine synechia is the adhesion of two tissues inside the uterus. So when we speak of uterine synechia, we are talking about intrauterine adhesions: two tissues of the uterus stick together abnormally. Uterine synechia is a common gynaecological condition that can also destroy the basal layer of the uterine lining. In this condition, the mucous membrane is in places free of the endometrium. This often occurs after a poorly managed curettage and sometimes after an infection. Scraping to remove waste inside the uterus leaves wounds or scratches and as the walls are stuck together at this point, the wound heals by keeping the tissue stuck there. This is called uterine synechia because it happens inside the uterus. The first consequence of uterine synechia is female infertility or repeated miscarriages.

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It should be noted that the shoulder to shoulder is often the result of a curettage following an abortion or miscarriage or an infection. Several other circumstances can cause uterine synechia, but it is usually the result of poor healing. Here are some of the circumstances that can cause this condition:

-Curettage or suctioning after a miscarriage or abortion 

-Surgical hysteroscopy, myomectomy, conization 

-Several diseases such as genital tuberculosis, infection of the uterus, endometritis, etc., are common.

-Infection following the use of contraceptives such as the IUD

Please discover the herbal tea 270 which accompanies the herbal tea 271.

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We offer vaginal eggs to cleanse and remove uterine synechia. We provide you with a vaginal egg that treats uterine synechia. In combination with herbal teas 264 and 270, it facilitates the detachment of the uterine walls and the subsequent healing process. The egg purifies and cleanses the uterus. The product heals uterine synechia and facilitates conception in women of childbearing age.  Please discover the 060 herbal tea that has made thousands of homes happy.

Please discover Herbal Tea 17, Herbal Tea 18, Herbal Tea 19 and Herbal Tea 50 for male fertility.

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  Presentation of the Best Natural Treatment for Uterine Synechia
-Eggs in bags of 10


-Plant extracts, clay, etc.

Active ingredients

emollient, absorbent, adsorbent, antiviral, antiseptic, etc.

Price: 30 €.

Discover this Panacea Herbal Tea 070: Polyguérisons-Multiguérisons, natural remedy .

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