481 - Epilepsy natural care epileptic crisis

Epilepsy, epilepsy natural treatment. Epilepsy convulsive diseases herbal tea treatment. You have a good remedy to relieve and space epileptic attacks. Good herbal tea.

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Reference: 481

In stock: 6560

50,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

Epilepsy natural care epileptic crisis.Epilepsy depression insomnia convulsive diseases nervous breakdown

Epilepsy, epilepsy natural treatment. Epilepsy convulsive diseases herbal tea treatment. You have a good remedy to relieve and space epileptic attacks. Good herbal tea.

Epilepsy Remedy Overview Epilepsy Natural Treatment

Epilepsy. Treatment of epilepsy, Cure Convulsive diseases. We have a herbal tea that cures epilepsy. This remedy is composed of medicinal plants of proven efficacy for a long time in the treatment of convulsive diseases. The good radical remedy to discover necessarily

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

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The product

The Bio Remedy 053: Epilepsy natural treatment epilepsy is a regulator of nerve flow and vital energy. It is an antiepileptic and anticonvulsant herbal tea. This is to regulate the internal electrical current. Good remedy for epilepsies of non-organic cause. Herbal tea No. 053 is a good natural remedy for epilepsy and convulsive diseases. Calms the nerves and facilitates good relaxation.

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

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Presentation of Bio Remedy 053: Epilepsy natural treatment epilepsy

-powder in sachet or 50g jar.

Composition of Organic Remedy 053: Epilepsy natural treatment epilepsy

Plant extracts anticonvulsants, antioxidants, etc.

Active substances

- Mild laxatives and antioxidants

Price: €50

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

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Therapeutic effects.

Therapeutic effects of Bio Remedy 053: Epilepsy natural treatment epilepsy


-Epilepsy natural epilepsy treatment. Because of its great anticonvulsant, calming, immunoreconstituting and antioxidant power, this decoction regulates the internal flow, calms the nerves, and prevents spasms. It rids the body of various toxins and protects the nerves and the entire nervous system. The evil will not disappear immediately, but the crises will be well spaced out

.Epilepsy natural treatment epilepsy powder is a treasure trove of active elements that provides the body with all the valuable micronutrients that the nerves and muscles need to stay relaxed. It is a complex of plants that you will not find anywhere else, it is a food medicine (nutraceutical). Epilepsy natural treatment of epilepsy, a Plant solution for a cure of evil.

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

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Epilepsy, depression, insomnia, convulsive diseases, nervous breakdown,

Manual :

Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water, let cool, and strain. Keep cool. Drink half a glass, 3 times a day. Add the juice of a ripe lemon to the plug. Twelve months of treatment. Healing assured.

Please visit the site Please contact us for treatment

Herbal tea 053 treats epilepsy and convulsive diseases. Please find the remedy that can save your life.

Herbal Tea 053 is a good natural remedy for epilepsy and convulsive diseases. Calms the nerves and facilitates good relaxation.

Please discover herbal tea 56

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

Discuss  here with your lady feranmi

Learn more at http://www.afriquebio.com

Please discover Herbal Tea 17, Herbal Tea 18, Herbal Tea 19

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea

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