Herbal Tea 515: Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia

Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia. Discover herbal tea to permanently cure oligospermia. It is very effective and has no side effects.

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Reference: t-515

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  • Supplier : ASB
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Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia What are the causes of oligospermia? What impact does oligospermia have on fertility? How can I have a child with oligospermia? What plant is used to treat Oligospermia? Can Oligospermia be cured?

Research Associated with Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia

Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia, What are the causes of oligospermia? , What impact does oligospermia have on fertility? , How can I have a child with oligospermia?, What plant is used to treat oligospermia?, Can oligospermia be cured?


Definition of Oligospermia

A cause of male infertility due to sperm factor is oligozoospermia, also called oligospermia. It has an impact on the quantity of sperm present in the ejaculate, which is less numerous than the ejaculate of a fertile man.

Depending on the number of sperm present in the ejaculate, oligospermia can be mild, moderate, or severe.

If there is a low sperm concentration, other alterations such as poor sperm motility or defects in shape, the sperm is considered to be of poor quality. These conditions are known as asthenozoospermia and teratozoospermia.

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Types of oligospermia: mild, moderate and severe.

Oligospermia can be classified into 3 degrees depending on its severity:

  • Mild oligospermia

This is the mildest symptom of oligospermia. These patients have between 14 and 5 million sperm per milliliter of semen.

  • Moderate oligospermia

The sperm count in the previous class is higher in moderate oligospermia. In other words, there are between 5 and 1 million sperm per milliliter.

  • Severe oligospermia

Extreme or severe oligozoospermia is the most serious type with the worst prognosis. There are less than a million sperm per milliliter.

The spermogram test, which counts the number of sperm under the microscope, is used to diagnose the degree of oligozoospermia.

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The advantage of herbal tea to treat oligospermia

Herbal tea 515: Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia effectively treats oligospermia of non-organic causes in humans. It is one of the best herbal teas made from medicinal plants capable of restoring all of his fertilizing power to any infertile man if the cause is not organic. In three months, the herbal tea improves the quality and quantity of sperm, which are strong, powerful, resistant and very mobile. It rapidly increases the quantity, quality and viscosity of sperm. An excellent herbal tea for infertile men.

A spermogram is required at the start of treatment and at the end of treatment to assess the condition.


Technical sheet

Presentation of Herbal Tea 515: Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia

-Powder in sachet or pot of 50g.

Composition of the Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia

-Organic plant extracts (Adenia lobata, cissus, arachis, elaeis guineensis, lonchocarpus, Maximov, galanga, piper, Maca, voacanga, cissus, flugia virosa, tribulus, etc.).

Oligospermia, Oligoasthenospermia

Instructions for use of Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia

--Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water for 5 minutes. Leave to cool and filter.

Drink half a glass, once a day, for three months.

--In the mornings upon rising and 3 times a week for 3 months, take a teaspoon of the powder in a homogeneous mixture of first cold pressed olive oil and the juice of a very ripe lemon,

NB: Allow three months of treatment with 10 sachets

Make the diagnosis carefully before committing to the three treatments with 10 sachets.

Active Ingredients of Natural Treatment to Treat Oligospermia

Alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, sterols, plant hormones, poly terpenes, polyphenols, micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins of group B, C, and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine, etc. All these elements give the herbal tea immunostimulating virtues of activation and sperm and sperm production.

Price: 50 euros

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Therapeutic effects of natural treatment to treat oligospermia

The majority of infertile men have no erectile problems. Often they are active in bed but their sperm is sterile and cannot fertilize. Our herbal tea gives them this ability by quickly improving the health of their reproductive system from the qualitative and quantitative point of view of essential components such as semen and spermatozoa, without forgetting the circulation in the small vessels.

Natural herbal tea to treat Oligospermia works in the following cases:

-oligospermia: Insufficient sperm in the semen. Normally there are at least 20 million sperm per ml of semen. A number below 10 million/ml can be responsible for infertility

The powder to treat Oligospermia does not work in the following cases

-Varicocele: the varicocele must be treated first

-Absence of testicle or organic problem.

-Prostate cancer.

- Sterility due to alcoholism or chronic smoking unless the patient changes their lifestyle: Total cessation of alcohol, tobacco and detoxification before treatment.

-Bad lifestyle. The wandering man, public distributor of sperm without restraint.

-Retrograde ejaculation: sperm is not ejaculated outwards but towards the bladder

-Exposure to excessive amounts of heat

-The presence of anti-sperm antibodies: men can sometimes become immunized against their own sperm: in this case, the mobility and fertilizing capacity of the sperm is reduced

-Certain liver and kidney diseases

-Repeated exposures to chemical compounds

-Obstruction of the excretory pathways (epididymis, varicocele, vas deferens or ejaculatory channels) which should allow the exit of spermatozoa despite normal quality of spermatozoa produced by the testicles

-A genetic anomaly: Klinefelter syndrome, a chromosomal anomaly, which combines atrophy of the testicles, azoospermia (absence of sperm in the ejaculate) and gynecomastia.


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Plants to treat oligospermia Naturally

Several natural plants can help increase sperm count and improve sperm quality, and here are some of them suggested by the experts at AFRIQUE SANTE BIO

Maca powder

Ground maca root, also called maca powder, may improve sperm production and motility. Maca is an herb well known for helping to balance hormones.

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Ashwagandha powder

According to studies, ashwagandabe root extract has the potential to significantly increase the quantity, volume and movement capacity of sperm. This herb improves the overall health of the body, increases vitality and reduces stress and stress. anxiety while promoting healthy testosterone production.

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In traditional Chinese medicine, panax ginseng, also called Korean ginseng, is often used to help the body adapt to stressful situations. However, it can also be used to increase testosterone, sperm count and motility, all of which are important factors for male fertility. Ginseng increases libido and testosterone.

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Garlic increases sperm production and is a natural aphrodisiac. It contains a compound called allicin, which improves blood circulation and increases sperm endurance. Garlic contains the mineral selenium, which promotes sperm motility.

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