Herbal Tea 574: Natural Treatment for Leprosy in Israel

Natural Treatment of Leprosy in Israel. We offer you a herbal tea that effectively treats Leprosy and gives you brand new skin. It is affordable.

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Reference: t-574

In stock: 4000

50,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

Natural Treatment for Leprosy in Israel What is leprosy? What are the main causes of leprosy? What are the risk factors for leprosy? How does it manifest? Diagnosis of leprosy Medicinal treatment of leprosy Natural treatment of leprosy

Natural Treatment for Leprosy in Israel

Research related to Natural Leprosy Treatment in Israel

Natural Treatment for Leprosy in Israel,What is leprosy?,What are the main causes of leprosy?,What are the risk factors for leprosy? How does it manifest?,Diagnosis of leprosy,Medicinal treatment of leprosy,Natural treatment of leprosy


Definition of leprosy

Leprosy is a chronic contagious infectious disease caused by a bacteria called mycobacterium leprae, the Hansen's bacillus affecting the peripheral nerves, the skin and the mucous membranes, eating away the tissues, and causing severe disabilities, endemic in certain tropical countries. According to this discovery, leprosy originated in East Africa or the Middle East, then spread through human migrations. In fact, there are mainly two forms of leprosy: tuberculoid leprosy (the early form) and leprometic leprosy (the advanced form) which is much more contagious.

If leprosy is left untreated, it can cause progressive and lasting damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes. Infectious disease is responsible for the majority of physical deformities. Ancient texts describe this ancestral disease since around 600 years BC.

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Main cause of leprosy

Leprosy is caused by a mycobacterium called Mycobacterium leprae, a specific microorganism that has specific criteria for its growth. According to Professor Guillaume Desoubeaux, this infectious agent has similarities with that of tuberculosis. According to studies carried out by the Pasteur Institute, it seems that leprosy originated in East Africa or the Middle East, and that it spread via the various human migrations that took place over time.

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Technical Sheet for Natural Treatment of Leprosy in Israel


- Powder in sachet, jar or capsule

-50g jar


  • Plant extracts,

Active subtances

  • Tannins, glycosides, fungicides, etc.

Price: €50

Side effects

  • None


  • Leprosy, Psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc.


  • Read the instructions

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Beneficial Effects of Natural Leprosy Treatment in Israel

Herbal tea No. 574, Natural Treatment of Leprosy in Israel is a depurative, immunoreplenishing and antioxidant dermatological herbal tea which eliminates plaques from the inside and prevents the formation of scabs. The most important thing is that the patient must review their lifestyle and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Leprosy is a contagious infectious disease affecting the skin and mucous membranes, eating away the tissues, and causing severe disabilities, endemic in certain tropical countries.


Symptoms of leprosy

Leprosy is a disease that multiplies very slowly because of the bacteria that causes the disease. It can last 10 years in the body before manifesting itself. Here are some symptoms of leprosy.

  • Leprosy is recognizable by the skin lesions it causes. Painful patches of depigmentation, or reddish, appear and sometimes growths.
  • The skin thickens and damage to peripheral nerves leads to loss of sensation.
  • It can also cause muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis, most often of the hands and feet.
  • Eye disorders can cause blindness.


Risk factors

The only person affected by the disease leprosy is humans, and it spreads from person to person through droplets from the mouth or nose. However, contrary to popular belief, there is a very low risk of leprosy contamination. Transmission only occurs when one has close, prolonged contact with an infected person. There is therefore little chance of becoming infected when traveling to an endemic area. Crucial note: a person who has leprosy but has received treatment is no longer likely to transmit it.

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Diagnosis of leprosy

Leprosy is diagnosed using biological or molecular methods. “The bacteria is looked for directly by culture or its DNA using a PCR technique, with a scraping or a nasal swab, more rarely in the case of a nasal biopsy”. Sometimes the diagnosis is made by taking samples from the earlobes or skin wounds. When the patient has one to five insensitive skin lesions, the leprosy is called “paucibacillary”, while if the patient has more than five, it is called “multibacillary”.

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Medicinal treatment of leprosy

According to Professor Desoubeaux, leprosy is treated with Rifampicin, just like tuberculosis, and if that does not work, quinolones or cyclines are used. Free of charge, the World Health Organization offers patients treatment that is effective, has no side effects, and prevents the spread of the disease. Multidrug therapy (PCT) consists of combining three antibiotics over a period of six to twelve months: dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine.

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