Balanites aegyptiaca.

African names - Wolof: Sump -Bambara:

Serenity Use All organs of this plant are used in traditional medicine. The macerated bark is used in colic, jaundice and as antivenom and vermifuge. The stems after removal of the thorns are used as toothbrushes and sold in all markets.

But it is the fruit that is widely used because of its Carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. In traditional medicine, an aqueous decoction of this fruit is drunk as a purgative and vermifuge or in the treatment of stomach disorders. A concentrated decoction of the fruit thrown into water possibly in the treatment of stomach disorders.

The almond contains an oil which sometimes replaces groundnut oil in Africa.


It is a thorny tree 8 to 9 meters high. The bark of the trunk is deeply ridged. The tips of the twigs have long, stout, straight spines. The stem is often yellow in color.

The leaves are alternate and the greenish-yellow flowers are found in the leaf axils.

The fruits are 3 to 4 centimeter long ovoid green to yellow drupes that can be sucked like candy.

They contain an oil-rich almond. JOBS --Aliment Suck the fruits sold in the markets for their richness in vitamins and carbohydrates. --Anti-inflammatory

- Molluscide Squeeze fruit juice or make a concentrated decoction and rub the inflamed part to soothe the pain.

Also throw this decoction in the dry season in stagnant water to kill molluscs. --Toothbrush Cut a stem of Balanites aegyptiaca, remove the thorns and brush your teeth for an hour a day for normal hygiene.

Last edited: 26/09/2022

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